was a great turnout for Fred's 86th birthday party with about 40 or so friends and family
in attendance. The Best HAM BAND was in attendance. The name of the group was coined during the afternoon since Larry Best (left) on guitar was the only non ham joining Rocco VE3YJ on guitar, Gerry VE3DYY on sax and clarinet, Paul VE3IDH on fiddle, Rich VE3DCC on trumpet and John VE3AMZ on Piano
Ken Hammond is active on the Internet. Both Ken and Roy are overwhelmed with the number of visitors and world-wide responses with e-mail and Guestbook greetings for Fred.
Here is a sample from the Guestbook. By: Terry Harvey, VE3 HSH My greetings to Mr Fred Hammond and I sincerely wish to express my best wishes for his recovery. I am grateful for his encouragement in the study for my Amateur Licence as a youngster years ago with the Guelph Amateur Radio Club at the factory (1974). The radio technology learned then provided the nucleus to pursuing an engineering career in the far-east! Best regards and Season's Greeting from Malaysia. Those wishing to drop a card to Fred should address same to: Fred Hammond, VE3HC [ Top ] updated
August 01, 2005 © 1998 Hammond Museum of Radio |