KWARC has rummaged through the basements drawers garages you name it we have been there and are pleased to bring some photos from the KWARC 71 field day. They were converted into digital JPEG format by Paul Cassel VE3SY using his Camcorder and SNAPPY., a composite video to digital converter device that plugs into the parallel port of a computer. Input any composite video image into the Snappy and your away and running. The Price Club has the new Version 2.0 models for just under $300 while the version 1.0 models (used here) were on sale at $189.00 Location - location - location
RFI from something at the site created a challenge for most operators. Another
challenge was building an 80 metre dipole from scratch without a tape measure. NO PROBLEM!
Tony VE3DWI indicated he was exactly six feet tall so using Tony as a reference we
built our dipole. The "Northern Gang", Lloyd Ferns VE3BZF and Doug Campbell VE3CHQ, set up shop on 20 SSB from the rear seat of Doug's 69?? Ford sedan using Lloyds Collins S line. Remember when Field Day featured more CW than phone stations? Well, two of more avid CW operators of the day were Ron Hand, [call removed (February 2019) at request of the current holder ] and Al Sherry, VE3ENK. Here we see Ron on the keyer and Al logging. You may note the more typical ham gear of
the day in 1971. The Transmitter looks like a Heathkit DX60 (single 6146) with an External
Heathkit VFO. The receiver appears to be a Drake 2C. I believe the box atop the receiver
is an active CW audio notch filter? On the DX60 you will note a SWR-1. This was one of Heaths first kits. Beside the SWR bridge is the mandatory flash light used at night to refill the generator every few hours. To the right was ENK's home brew keyer. Yes folks, 25 years ago Hams really did build stuff. SSB activity
Here we see Albert (Al) logging while Ivan is busy making another contact. The Transmitter appears to be a Drake and the corner that you can see of the Receiver may have been a war surplus HRO?. CQ FD de VE3KCD.
Bob Smith VE3OE, (left) and Don Fisher, VE3ESE (right) were always fixtures at Field Day for many years, usually on 40SSB. Their motto was: "late to bed and late to rise". Supervisor detail And of course there are many supervisors required to watch the Boss work. left-right: |
© 1996 Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio
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