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Executive Commitee Minutes
by John Holmans

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February 14, 2000 at Clarica

In attendance:

Dave VE3MRJ, Bob VA3MCK, Dave VA3DGS, Ben VA3BNY, Paul VE3SY, Larry VE3LGN, John VE3VRA. Guests: Don Fisher VE3ESE and Greg Hollinger VE3NKB

Dave VA3MRJ called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

Open House
Paul VE3SY tabled a motion that that the club officially recognize the efforts of Dave VE3MRJ and KWARC members during the recent Open House held on February 7th. The motion was seconded by Bob VA3MCK and carried unanimously.

Minute amendment
An error in the January 11th executive meeting minutes was identified by Paul VE3SY. In the paragraph headed "Open House" it was incorrectly reported that Paul seconded the motion. The motion was seconded by Dave VA3MRJ  and carried unanimously.

Treasurer's report
A balance of $2,211.38 and a $1,500 GIC of was reported by club treasurer Dave VA3DGS. A motion to accept the report was tabled by Dave and seconded by Ben, VA3BNY and carried unanimously by show of hands.

Packet report
There was general discussion on the proposed event intended to re-enact the passage of the first "Conestoga Wagon" from Lancaster Pennsylvania to Blair Ontario. Several ideas were proposed including a special page on the KWARC website that could track the course of the wagon via APRS. It was felt that the media coverage resulting from this event could benefit the club. Paul VE3SY made a motion that KWARC approach the event organizers with a view to installing an APRS station on the wagon. The motion was seconded by Bob VA3MCK.  All voted in favour.

Technical Committee report
Ben VA3BNY reported that he had received a letter from the owners of site that houses the KSR repeater. The letter stated that a strategy had still to be developed regarding the relocation of antennas during construction of the new tower. The two smaller towers, one of which supports the KSR repeater antenna, are scheduled to be torn down.

Entertainment report
The entertainment committee, namely Ben VA3BNY, reported on the social calendar for the next two months. The March meeting will be a "Show and Tell" in which club members are encouraged to bring along, and talk about,  items that may of interest club members. In April, Ben reported, the club will play host to a Guest speaker from Goderich, VE3WZL who will talk about solar power.

DXCC nomination
President Dave VA3MRJ read a letter he'd received from Gord Gibson who had recommended nominating Gary Hammond, VE3XN for the position of DXCC check-in for the ARRL. Greg, VE3NXB made a motion that a letter be drafted on behalf of the KWARC nominating Gary for this position. The motion was seconded by Don, VE3ESE and carried by a show of hands.  Greg and Don to draft a letter.

Cuban connection
Guest, Don VE3ESE, gave an informal talk on the latest developments regarding the export of equipment to Cuba. He said that additional funds were required to upgrade existing VHF equipment. Don said that he had been able to raise some money, mostly from a US source, to cover the cost of buying crystals. However, this amount was insufficient and he needed more. Bob, VA3MCK proposed a motion that the club donate a maximum of $125 toward the cost of upgrading the equipment. The motion was seconded by Paul, VE3SY  and carried unanimously.  Several members voiced their concern with respect to the accountability of this project and urged Don to establish some means by which the situation might be monitored.

Field Day location
Bob VA3MCK reported that he'd been in contact with Scott Baird of Fairview Park Mall and had been given the understanding that an area of the Mall might be used as a location for Field Day. Ben said that the noise level at the Mall would make operating conditions very difficult. Several other locations were suggested including Waterloo Park and Chicopee.

K-W Library
Walter, VE3NEI pointed out that the KW Public Library could act as a very useful showcase for club activities. He said that he had already approached the library administration and had received a very favourable response.

Action: Walter, aided by Ben VA3BNY, to approach the library with a view to promoting club activities.

Advanced Amateur course
Paul VE3SY brought up the subject of the proposed Advanced course. He said that Gord VE3EOS had tentatively agreed to play host as an instructor but was in favour of small, informal groups. Gord asked for more time to consider the proposal and develop a schedule.

Dave VA3DGS is to arrange a meeting with the new acting chairman of the Fergus Fleamarket to discuss a new proposal to raise fees and to discuss other issues.

Meeting close
Club president, Dave VA3MRJ called the meeting to a close at 9:15pm. The motion was seconded by Paul, VE3SY carried by show of hands.

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