General Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC

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Meeting Minutes
by John Holmans

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Minutes of Meeting held May 1, 2000.

Club president, Dave VA3MRJ, opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. to sixty-three members and their guests. 

Business meeting

Financial report
Dave VA3DGS reported the club's balance at $2036, and moved the report be accepted. Ted VE3TJD seconded the motion. The motion passed with a show of hands. 

Flea Market
Rich, VE3DCC announced he was seeking sixteen volunteers for this year's Fergus Flea-market. So far, only five have come forward. Flea market coordinator, Dave VA3DGS informed members that the club relied on the income earned from this event ($1176 raised last year) and joined Rich in asking members to offer their services. Dave also pointed out that several incentives were to be offered including a free steak and beer barbecue.

Technical Report
According to technical committee spokesman, John VE3AMZ, the twin towers on Baden Hill will be coming down soon. The antenna for the KSR repeater will be temporarily located during the construction of the new seven hundred-foot tower. Upon completion of the project the antenna will be re-installed at its present elevation.

Ham course
Course organizer Ron VE3DBD reports that the course with eight students is going well and that exams are due to begin shortly. The four additional students currently studying for their Advanced tickets are also reported to be doing well. 

Club Elections
Dave VA3MRJ extended his thanks to the individuals who are retiring from the executive this year, namely Paul VE3SY, Ben VA3BNY and John VE3VRA.
Vice president, Bob VA3MCK proposed the following motion: To approve the action of the board of directors of the Kitchener Amateur Radio Club for the past year. Brian VE3THE, seconded the motion that carried with a show of hands.

John VE3DOS made a motion to receive nominations from the floor. Gord, VE3NQK seconded the motion. All voted in favour.

One nomination was received from Johnathan Doll, VE3CBX acting on his own behalf. Tedd VE3TJD, seconded the nomination.

Larry, VE3LGN proposed a motion to close nominations from the floor. The motion was seconded by Gord, VE3NQK. The motion was carried by a show of hands.

Packet meeting
Packet committee spokesman, Larry VE3LGN informed the executive of a change in venue. Packet meetings will no longer be held at the funeral home but at Mary and Drew's (VE3MWE and VE3AOR) home in Waterloo. 

ARES report
John VE3DOS reported that the Mormon Church had approached him with a view to participating in a joint emergency exercise. John said that local communications would be conducted on VHF with a HF link to Salt Lake City.

Field Day
It was announced that a site has been found for the year 2000 Field Day. Ben VA3BNY informed the members that the event will be held at the Doon Heritage Crossroads on the last weekend in June. The location it was felt is a good choice for reasons of cost to the club and the potential for extensive public exposure.

Members broke for coffee at 8:00pm. The meeting resumed at 8:20pm.

Guest speakers
This months guest speakers, on the subject of model airplanes, were Hugh VE3IYG and Tedd VE3TJD. Following, Ben presented the speakers with a certificate of appreciation.

Next Meeting
Ben, VA3BNY provided members with an insight into the last meeting before the summer break. The guest speaker is to be Environment Canada representative, Randy. Ben said he was intending to contact all the surrounding clubs and invite them to be KWARC guests at the June meeting.

Dave, VA3MRJ closed the meeting at 9:30pm.

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