General Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC
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Meeting Minutes
by John Holmans

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Sept 11, 2000 Meeting Minutes.
David welcomes all the members to the Club meeting.

Roll Call

Rosemary Archer: Project director from the Waterloo Regional Children's Museum Looking for volunteers from the club to help build wireless projects that can help Children visualize from an imaginary to a physical and audible; as they are given a Demonstration on radio & light waves. 

Pres. Bob; looking for a chairman for the above projects volunteers . Bob introduces the new Executive members. Bob clarifying the Technical services group doing things W/O permission @ the site.

Ben VA3BNY: Introduces the speaker for the evening. Rick Hergott from Industry Canada's Kitchener office.  Rick presents a slide information regarding some of the changes to take place that is in parallel with amateur radio service and operations. The floor was open for some questions 

Hard to get through to the office during the day. 
Can radio amateurs be of any help by assisting in any way? Yes; with emergency communications. Also keeping clean on the air non spurious wireless operations that don't interfere with the public Uncontrolled zones. Petitions to keep our bands that are being removed. 

The city and Municipality depends on us for our support in the time of emergency crisis. (There were words about the Hydro dept looking after Conducted interference while IC looks after radiated spurious emissions.) 

Discussions regarding the land mobile frequencies and the new low power licence where there may be adjacent interference from the commercial operators. Rick mention that all radios have to meet certification on both the USA and Canada. 

Discussions on narrowing the present operating channel to make room for the present demand and high volume of users in the commercial bands.

Rick completes his topic and Ben presents a certificate of Appreciation.


Ben mentioned that the Tech Dir John VE3AMZ is away and talked on his be-half about the the present situation with KSR. The antenna site is under construction and presently the repeater 's antenna is very low making its coverage area smaller and very limited.  Ben also mentions that CKCO will allow us to have 3 to 4 antennas on their new tower vhf, uhf. We also require a few items to complete the installation by professional riggers. NEW FEEDLINE BRACKETS. ONCE WINTER COMES ITS DIFFICULT TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION, Make provisions to move KSR to Ayr, keeping in mind that the pattern now will be different than what it used to be. 

The Telephone patch is disconnected temp. 

BEN took the Packet radio in for repairs TED WILL REPAIRS THE SYSTEM. 

Club now has a 220MHz Repeater @ Bell Mannheim site. Good coverage from Goderich, Owen Sound, Orangeville…. 130ft high ant.

Ben now introduced Ed Spike VE3TCK; comments on the problems with Canwarn, changes required,

Randy Mawson contacted regarding problems with the pagers, looking for a CANWARN co-ordinater. 2 more pagers required, 

Canwarn Station is located at firehall NO.1 in Waterloo. (BASEMENT) Need people to be trained in operating canwarn. Any one interested, please talk to ED via email 

Bob announded Exec meeting next month the first Tuesday.

Then introduces the Executive:
Editor Dennis VA3DLT,  
Patch John Ve3EOS 
Paul Cassel VE3SY webmaster and On-Line Kilowatter Editor
Exam co-ordinator Ron Gimbel VE3DBD
Marg Cassel VE3RE will look after Bereavement issues. 
Dave Schwartz VA3DGS  for swap shop and Weather Station. 

Paul take s the floor and talks about a tribute to Fred Hammond chapter 73. 

Packet group to have a meeting in October. 

Linda Hayward VE3LWH requires volunteers to help operate a CW HF station for the Scouts on 21 OCT 00 

Next month topic…Grandpas radio, 

NOV Ajax DX Assn. talk about Meteor Scatter.

Dec…social meeting…SWAP….

Jan & Feb; no programs yet…(. looking for a program dir.)

Prize……..50-50-draw went to Ali Brander VE3CWL wins $25.75 from Sebrringville

A few people from the floor won some prizes…. va3ol,…ve3aki-ken
Va3iul-Iulian…….Norm…..Mark from Stratford Ali agn, ve3kvo-tom….

GORD talk's about Paul placing 1st in Ontario for last years Sweep Stakes contest and using club call. VE3IC

Dave VA3DGS gives the treasurer's report and announces that John ve3sjv wins field day trophy for his efforts on 10SSB

Closed meeting @ 2145hrs

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