General Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC
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Meeting Minutes
by John Holmans

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Minutes November 6, 2000 Meeting

Meeting Minutes.
The Meeting begins with President Bob VA3MCK who welcomes the members and guests and continues into the roll call followed by Ben VE3BNY, introducing the Guest Speaker for the evening, Mr. Phillip Gebhardt VE3ACK, A Meteor Scatter Specialist from The Ontario DX Association in Toronto Ontario.

Phillip introduces the fundamentals in capturing radio reflections from meteor streaks using inexpensive techniques to receive the intelligence of frequency modulated signals from the broadcast and Amateur bands that last from a Peak amplitude to a decay, for a duration time of approximately one to four seconds settling into the noise floor. 

A few methods of detection was discussed, using the car radio set up on an unoccupied frequency with no adjacent interference, during a meteor scatter activity will receive broadcasts intermittently which could be taped and played back at a slower speed verifying the activity of meteors and the reflection of radio waves.

A short physics demonstration using a flashlight, mirror, and three people from the audience to demonstrate the reflection of light waves as a parallel for radio waves and the polarity and position of radio antennas to be used in locating and capturing the reflected wave from a meteor ionized trail, of any unintentional reflected FM transmitted signals on route to the receiving antenna, connected to the input of a couple of 10dB preamps in series, and the final output of the last preamp to the input of the receiver. This raises the noise floor of the receiver to a higher level when no reflected signals are detected, but is quiet when a signal is detected.

The program ended with a few questions from the floor on Doppler affects and the use of satellite as reflectors.

Ben BNY thanks Phillip ACK for presenting an interesting topic on Meteor reflections with a certificate of appreciation from the members of the KWARC club.


Linda VA3LWH thanks all the club members who participated in the Jamboree on the air.

Vern VE3RVS gives a report to the members on the success of the Amateur Exams from the 1st of September 1999, to the 31st of August 2000.  From a class of nine students, eight students wrote, seven passed, and one failed, with a class average standing at 87.6%

Ben BNY presents a short report on the final completion of the erected TV antenna at Baden Hill along with the club stations antenna installation.

Gerry VE3DYY raised a question on the sale of VE3RBM to KWARC. He felt the transfer may not have been properly made.  Paul VE3SY gave the background on the transfer to the club members.  It was suggested that if anyone felt there was any anomaly that they put their concern in writing to the club.

Meeting adjourned. 


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