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Minutes |
7th /2001, General Meeting
Recording Secretary Ron Gravelle, VA3TVS Minutes for May 7th /2001, general meeting of the Kitchener Waterloo Amateur radio Club. Bob McKie VA3MCK called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm, He addressed some 50 members and guests this night. After the customary introductions of all members and guests, the program started off with Bob VA3MCK introducing Bill Graham, VE3ETK who handed out a QSL Survey to everyone. Ben Sasiela VA3BNY, is scheduling a tour of the New Baden Tower and facilities, of which 40 members in attendance signed up for the tour to be held on a Wednesday or Thursday in June. Once finalized, Ben will let everyone know the date. Ron Gravelle VA3TVS, CANWARN Co-ordinator mentioned the upcoming spotter training session on Monday May 28 at the University of Waterloo, room 1304 in the Davis Building. Please park in the north entrance of Lot "B", located on Phillip street. Coffee, tea and donuts will be provided for refreshments. Also, if possible, please bring one non-perishable food item to support our local food bank. Thank you for your support on this very important issue. Hugh Baird VE3IYG, talked up a storm about the 27th Annual Central Ontario Hamfest Flee Market, coming up Saturday June 9, 2001 at the FERGUS & District Community Centre. The Vendors will be admitted at 6:00am, while the public goes in from 8:00am to 12:30pm, the snack bar and rest rooms will be open at 6:30am. Last year's big $300 1st Prize winner was Lorne Burkhart VE3LCV, from Waterloo. Paul Cassel VE3SY, KWARC Web Master did another live IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) demo. He contacted CLEM (J73CI) who was mobile on the island of Dominique. Very impressive indeed. Gord Hayward VE3EOS, Advanced Co-ordinator announced that all 10 students passed the current advanced class. Way too go! Ben Sasiela VE3BNY, KWARC Tech Chairman has moved the NASA downlink to 147.150 simplex for everyone to enjoy. Thanks Ben. Fred Louwe VE3OQB, Field Day Co-ordinator said that Field Day will be held on June 23 & 24, at Doon Heritage Cross Roads, Pioneer Village. Same place as last year. Yours truly has offered to help Ben at the coffee machine. Make mine a double! Dave Schwartz VA3DGS, Treasurer, announced Club dues are going strong and we even picked up a few recent new memberships. Larry Gorman VE3LGN, Packet Group Director will have a packet meeting May 15. *Bob VA3MCK, had a special announcement for us. He was notified by Paul VE3EWN, that Mr. Ray Jenning VE3CZE, had emergency surgery on May 6th to repair a ruptured aneurysm. He had been diagnosed earlier in the previous week. The surgeons acked quickly and Ray is in stable condition as of May 7th. He cannot have any visitors or flowers at this time. Paul VE3EWN will keep us informed as to his progress. Please think of him and say a prayer for Ray. Thank you Paul, and all of us at KWARC wish him a quick and speedy recovery. Meeting concluded at 9:28 pm Ron Gravelle VA3TVS Recording Secretary * Special Note errors or ommissions to secretary@kwarc.org