Executive Committee Minutes
August 23, 1997 at residence of Paul and Marg Cassel
Present: Ted Doda VE3TJD, Bill Makin VE3IAP, Eric Enns VE3BB, Merrick Jarret VE3BCZ, John Schreiter VE3DOS, Greg Hollinger VE3NXB,
Dave Schwartz VA3DGS, Frank Parsons VE3OFH, Brian Gingel VE3BWG, Paul Cassel VE3SY, Jim Butts VE3JAZ and
Marg Cassel VE3BLJ Secretary and minute scribe
- It was proposed that Brian will read the report of the Audit Committee at the meeting.. Frank advised that he
has bits and pieces of information from 1995 Accounts and will help where he can.
The present bank balance as well as a report of the Treasurer will be presented at the first Club Meeting
Motion: Moved by Jim Butts and Seconded by Brian G. that a Summary of the Finances be
prepared and presented to the September Meeting of the Club.
Voted - Unanimous
- Merrick questioned the % of members of the club who are Seniors and was advised 33 of 130 qualify as Seniors. It was thought that perhaps we could make some changes to their fees however it was decided that as many had already paid it would be left as is for now.
- Greg is to check with the Guelph Club to see how much the profits from the Flee Market are.
- It was suggested that perhaps if each club member supplied envelops for the mailing this would help however this was to be left for future discussion
- Jim Butts indicated that he would like to see the financial statements for the past years.
- Technical Committee Report
Frank advised that they are trying to do general upkeep of the Repeaters. With regards to the Packet Repeater he advised that Ted VE3TJD does most of the work on the machine. There was some question as to who is responsible for the upkeep of the Packet Repeater. Frank advised that the committee are looking into the need to either replace the feedline on KSR or the antenna or both. At this time there is further testing to be done. He indicated that not including the cost of supplies the committee would probably need about $75.00 for the year.
- Program Committee Report
: As Ben was not present Paul reported that speakers are lined up for all of the meetings for the next year including December which in the past has been a social evening. It was also suggest that a Project Contest be mentioned at the September Meeting.
- History of the Club
: Merrick reported that due to other demands he has not had a chance to look at the info supplied but hopes to have time to catalogue the info sometime in September
- Inventory
: Dave advised he is working on same however it is not complete.
- Emergency Committee Report
: John reported that will is still waiting for an appointment with the Fire Department. John also was to look into a fan out plan for the emergency group. Nothing in place at this time.
- Membership Committee Report
: Bill advised he would like a list of members. He indicated that the only people who should get badges should be paid up members.
- Education Committee Report
: Paul reported that it is possible that there will be a number of Air Cadets interested in taking the Ham Radio Course in January. This is being looked into.
- WWPUG Report
: Ted reported that two radios were damaged by the recent Storm. ?????what is the deductible on the Insured.
- Budget Committee
: Jim Butts suggested that the Cyclone Committee meet in September to work on a budget to use for the next year.
Motion was made and seconded by Ted TJD that the meeting be adjourned. Unanimous vote.
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Amateur Radio Club Inc.
updated June 8, 1997
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