
President Paul Cassel, VE3SY, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. He welcomed all present with special greetings to visitors. It was later mentioned that 79 people were in attendance at the meeting.

The new Board of Directors was introduced…Bill Riddell VE3WFR, Jim Butts VE3JAZ, Greg Hollinger VE3NXB, John Riddell VE3Amz, Paul Cassel VE3SY and Marg Cassel VE3BLJ.

Paul then thanked all who had volunteered as Committee Chairmen and Members for the coming years.

Ben VE3BNY then introduced the guest speakers for the evening. Bob Cooke VE3BDB and Dana Shtun VE3DSS. They are both candidates for Director of RAC for Ontario South Region. They both spoke briefly of their qualifications and platforms for the position. The floor was then open to questions from the people present.

Jim VE3JAZ reported that the Cyclone Bicycle Ride held during the summers was a great success and the experience it gave those who helped with the radio communication will be put to good use in the future. He then introduced George Kramer who spoke briefly about the ride and their appreciation of the Amateurs who assisted. He advised that approximately 300 did the ride this year with an anticipated number of participants expected next year of 700. They already have 50 signed up for next years ride. He asked that the members of KWARC participate in next years ride.

THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED FOR COFFEE at 9:35 reconvened at 9:50

Brian VE3BWG and Eric VE3BB gave a report on the Audit of the club books done over the past few months. They advised that most of the recommendations mentioned in their report in the Kilowatter have already been adopted. Copies of the their report are available for the cost of postage. They advised that it is now felt that the Clubs finances are now under control. A brief discussion resulted with questions from the floor being answered by Brian, Eric and also Paul.
Greg VE3NXB gave his report on this years budget including Membership income and Flee Market Income and on the reverse side, the cost of publishing the bulleting, Insurance, Repeater licenses, Phone lines, Field day and meetings. He answered questions from the floor.

John VE3AMZ gave the Technical Committee Report advising that there is a problem with the Antenna on KSR however the Committee are waiting to confirm the exact cause of the problem until special testing equipment is available. He advised that while the phone patch had problems a few weeks ago and Bell has now corrected it. The problem with the Link is being looked into and will be reported on when info available. John indicated that the committee are working on all of the problems that have been reported and hope to have all solved shortly.

Larry VE3LGN gave the report on WWPUG (Waterloo Wellington Packet Users Group) . He advised that the meetings are the first Sunday of each month and that all are welcome to attend. They are working on an up to date list of members who are working on Packet. They also hope to increase their membership in the coming year.

John VE3DOS gave a report on the Emergency Group. He advised that they control center for Can Warn is being moved. The committee hopes to have more training courses available during the winter and spring. A fan out list should be available by next month. An emergency exercise is planned for next spring.

Paul VE3SY gave a report on the NewsLetter and Web Site. He is looking for both a new Editor as well as articles for the bulletin. If you have interest in either contact him. He also advised that the 11000th visitor to the Web Site is coming soon.

Ben VE3BNY advised that the reciprocal agreements with both the Brantford and Simcoe clubs are in place with codes the same for all locations. The committee is now looking into adding Stratford to the list. Ben also advised that programs are in place for the next year with a good variety of speakers planned.

Ron VE3DBD advised that there is to be a Ham Course this January however no dates are set. He indicated that Students are needed so if you know of anyone interested contact rose. It was suggested that each student should have an advanced amateur appointed as a Mentor.

NEW BUSINESS……….Jerry VE3DY thanked all who helped with the K W Flying Club Aviation Day with particular thanks to VE3DOS who co-ordinated.

For more information email info@kwarc.org
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Amateur Radio Club Inc.
updated September 21, 1997
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