Minutes of the KWARC Executive Committee
DATE: September 16, 1997
LOCATION: Mutual Life
SCRIBE: Marg Cassel VE3BLJ
Present: Brian Gingel, Bill Riddell, David Schwartz, Gord Hayward, Paul Cassel, John Riddell, Ben Sasaila, Greg Hollinger and Jim Butts
- Greg VE3NXB
reported that Bill Smith, VE3WHS is looking for ideas to increase the turn out for the Flee Market. Suggestions: - have it mentioned on 75 every night for 2-3 weeks before - on packet every few days - posters to put up - write up for bulletins. It was reported that our portion of the proceeds amounted to $1161.67 however there is still a $500 deposit (out portions) in the bank account of the flee market for next year. It was suggested that whoever is liaison with Bingemans should negotiate the price and what is included in the price. The questions was also raised as to other facilities that could be used for this event.
- Jim VE3JAZ
is to provide a list of all who helped with the Cyclone Ride in order that thanks can be sent to each.
ACTION: Jim VE3JAZ to provide list to Marg VE3BLJ who will prepare letters for sending under signature of club
- Paul VE3SY
asked if anyone had heard any feedback re the Financial Report….. it appears to be very little.
- Mention should be made in the bulleting that the label shows the date you are paid for eg: your 98 are paid for this year.
ACTION: Dave VA3DGS to determine feasibility and report to Paul VE3SY
- Greg VE3NXB
reported on finances as of September 16, 1997 He advised that the cheques for September are: Printing $165.24 (this replaced NSF from spring) Postage for Bulletin $374.00 Marg Cassel $29.79 for Coffee and Donuts. Brian Gingel and Greg are to get together to bring books up to date between July 16, 1997 and September 1, 1997.
ACTION: Brian and Greg
- WWPUG…. It was suggested that Gord Hayward should recommend to PUG that they now take care of their own finances. A separate account is now in place just for their funds. It was also suggested that PUG should participate in the cost of the Insurance. The amount mentioned and accepted by Gord VE3EOS was $250.00 . Marg Cassel is to confirm that PUG name in on Insurance and also check to see what RAC insurance offers and the cost.
ACTION: Marg on Insurance and Gord to PUG
- Jim VE3OVO advised that there is a room that may be available for our club meetings (at no Cost) at one of the Churches in the area. Bill Riddell will check out facilities and get back to committee and Jim VE3JAZ will see if it is possible to get refund for present room if we move.
ACTION: Jim VE3JAZ room rebate Bill VE3WFR on suitability of room
- Emergency Group …. The committee was advised that Harry VE3HZ is looking to see if the Red Cross is still paying for Licence.
ACTION: Harry VE3HZ with Red Cross
- Phone Lines re VE3RCK and VE3KSR It was advised that RCK shares phone lines with VE3RBM which is an open patch. It was felt that part of the phone line cost should be paid by them(we are not sure who them are) those present were poled and Jim Butts, Bill Riddell, John Riddell, Ben Sisala and Greg Hollinger all agreed that there should be some contribution. Paul VE3SY is to check to see who is using the phone patch on the repeater and if they are not members of KWARC suggest that they join.
ACTION: Paul VE3SY and others to monitor usage and report to next Exec meeting
- Technical Committee -- John VE3AMZ
reported that the Sweep Gear is now available and that testing of the Antenna of KSR will take place in the near future. They will then report back to the Executive on their findings.
- Ben VE3BNY
advised that there are a few changes to list of speakers for the coming year but all is under control. He also spoke to Terry Darling re the ULR link it appears that Terry was not await of any problems.
ACTION: Ben VA3BNY to revise speaker lineup and forward to Paul VE3SY for changes in Newsletter and Web Site
- Bill Riddell VE3WFR
suggested that we should make sure we have the 50/50 draw every month ( it gives a bit more income)
ACTION: Paul VE3SY will ask Bill VE3IAP to appoint a 50/50 salesperson. Marg VE3BLJ said she would assist.