Meeting Minutes from Monday November 3rd
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 by President, Paul - VE3SY who asked all present to introduce themselves. When introductions were complete there were 60 members and visitors present. Paul asked all to check the label of their Bulletin to confirm it the members who paid had received their new Patch Codes. Ben VA3BNY asked that we come early to the meeting next month (December) in order to see the demo and presentation by Merrick Jarrett VE3BCZ on Net Traffic Handling. Ben then introduced our Guest Speaker Gord Hayward VE3EOS who gave a very informative presentation on Interference and How to Solve Same. After the coffee break the meeting continued with the 50-50 Draw which was won by Norm VE3UTJ. The split was $27.50. John VE3DOS advised that the patch codes will not change for another week or two. Some small problems to work out. John also advised that he had recently attended an Environment Canada Seminar on Canwarn. Marg VE3BLJ asked if the minutes for both the October Meeting and the Executive Meeting were correct. It was moved by VE3AOR and Seconded by VE3BNY that the Minutes be accepted as published. Treasurer Greg VE3NXB indicated his report was published in the bulletin and at present we have a balance of approximately $2300.00. We also have two new memberships this month. John VE3AMZ - advised that they are still working on VE3KSR. The latest problem was a bad solder joint. He is working on same and hopes to have KSR back on the air shortly. It was reported that from November 4-11 the Guelph Amateur Radio Club will be operating VG3Y on all bands at the McCrae House in Guelph. A Tour of the Hammond Museum is planned for November 30, 1997. If you are interested contact any of the Executive Committee. Ron VE3DBD advised the date of the Beginners Course --- Monday, January 12, 1998. It will be held Mondays and Wednesdays for 10 Weeks with the Monday of the KWARC meeting free for the students to attend the meeting. m It will be held at the Mutual Life. Thanks were given to Mark VA3MGL who has started to help edit the Kilowatter. John VE3OVO advised that the Lunch Bunch Christmas Lunch it to be held December 19, 1997. Cost $10.00. Tickets are available from John or Paul VE3PT. Gord VE3EOS advised that the next PUG meeting will be held November 4, 1997 at 7:30 at Mutual Life. Thanks were passed to our club for their assistance with VE3CNE. The question was raised if we are too far away as there seems to be a problem finding people willing to help with the time we have been assigned to operate the Station. If you are interested in helping next year call Lloyd Ferns VE3BZF or Paul VE3SY. Paul Cassel VE3SY informed the club that Glenn Sweet VE3GCI advised him that the missing club photos have been located. Ben VA3BNY advised that the Auto patch will work on both Brantford and Simcoe Repeaters. He also advised that the Kincardine Club is interested in reciprocal phone patch. This will be looked into and reported at another time. Roger VE3RKS advised that the Tall Pines Road Rally is being held November 22 - 23 at Bancroft. If interested in helping call Roger. Bob VE3MCK asked how many members have phone patch privileges -- 75%. He wondered about having an open phone patch but not increasing the membership. A discussion following with the phone patch continuing as it is. Ron VE3DBD advised that the Breakfast Club meets on Saturdays at 10 am at the Ultimate Appetite on Victoria Street all are welcome to attend. It was moved by VE3WFR and Seconded by VE3MWE that the meeting be adjourned
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