General Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC

Meeting Minutes from Monday March 3rd 1998

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by club President Paul Cassel, VE3SY. who then started the introductions followed by an introduction of Ben Sasiela VA3BNY who gave us a very interesting talk on Hidden HF Signals.

The meeting then adjourned for coffee and resumed with the 50/50 Draw. It was won this month by VE3VRA John from Wellesley.

Paul read an e-mail from VE3NXB Greg Hollinger and Don VE3ESE who sent greetings from Cuba.

Moved by Marg Cassel VE3BLJ the club Secretary that the Minutes of the February meeting be accepted as published in the Bulletin. 2nd by Drew Riddell VE3AOR and passed unanimously.

Moved by Paul VE3SY that the Treasurers report be accepted as published in the February bulletin. 2nd by Ted Doda VE3TJD and passed unanimously.

Rich Clausey VE3DCC advised that he has toured the new Fleamarket Site with Bill VE3WHS. They will need help with parking and if you would like to volunteer give him a call.

Jim Butt VE3JAZ has resigned his position as Vice President and has moved to VE7 land. Dave Schwartz VA3DGS volunteered to fill the position. It was moved by Larry VE3LGN and 2nd by Keith VE3IZW that the membership affirm this mid year appointment. Passed unanimously.

President Paul confirmed that Roger VE3RKS has volunteered to finish off the April bulletin with last minute updates and arrange for the printing.

Paul advised that Bill Riddell VE3WFR is now recovering after an unfortunate incident. We wish him well.

John Schreiter VE3DOS gave us a report on ARES. He advised that on April 16, 1998 there will be an ARES training session followed on April 26 by an emergency Exercise. A CanWarn training course will be held April 20, 1998 at St Andrews Church at 7:30 p.m.

Larry VE3LGN advised that there will be a Packet Users Group meeting on March 3, 1998 at Ratz-Bechtel Family Centre. Bruce VE3ANU and Dave VA3DGS will be the Guest Speakers.

Terry VE3CAB advised that the ULR link will be up and running Tuesday morning. (NOTE: This did occur with Frank VE3OFH assisting Terry with the early morning installation)

Dave Schwartz VE3DGS advised that the new Field Day Site will be the NCR parking lot in Waterloo.

Gord Gibson VE3NQK is the nominating committee for next year and asked for volunteers for next years executive.

Ben Sasiela VE3BNY advised that if you have a Show and Tell Project bring it next month.

The meeting was adjourned at 21:50.

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