Executive Committee Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC

Executive Committee Minutes from Monday April 14th, 1998
Members Present:
John Schreiter, VE3DOS, John Riddell, VE3AMZ, Bill Riddell, VE3WFR, John Holmans VE3VRA , Paul Cassel, VE3SY, Marg Cassel, VE3BLJ, Dave Schneider, VE3DAS, Gord Gibson, VE3NQK, Greg Hollinger VE3NXB and Ben Sasiela, VE3BNY

President Paul VE3SY, called the meeting to order at 19:30 and welcomed John VE3VRA our nominee for Secretary.

John , VE3DOS reported that the Canwarn Station will be moved to the Waterloo Fire Hall. They have the room, with antenna facilities. John Riddell, VE3AMZ offered to supply a Dipole Antenna.

VE3YKF Licence:
It was suggested that we should approach Environment Canada to see if they will pay for this licence. It was mentioned that VE3WLL was of the understanding that Randy at Environment Canada had no problem with this.

Red Cross:
Paul Cassel moved that KWARC should reimburse the Red Cross for the VE3RCK licence. Passed John VE3DOS to follow-up with Red Cross.

220 Repeater:
We have had no response to the mention in prior minutes that we are seeking offers on this repeater. A discussion following regarding how much we would get from the sale of this. Motion : Moved by Paul That all offers will be presented to the Directors and if a reasonable offer is made it will then be presented to the Membership for action. Passed

Greg Hollinger VE3NXB advised that the KWARC balance at this time is $1749.03 and WWPUG balance if $ll84.00

Technical Committee:
John Riddell, Ve3AMZ advised that at this time KSR is working on a temporary antenna on the roof of the building. John was given the authority to spend up to $200 on repairs.

Gord Gibson, VE3NQK is working a slate of officers to present at the May meeting.

Next Meeting: Ben Sasiela, VE3BNY advised that our speaker for next month is not available.

Meeting adjourned 20:55

errors or ommissions to secretary@kwarc.org

Index of Minutes

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