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Executive Commitee Minutes |
Executive Committee
Minutes from Tuesday January 12th,
1998 Present: Paul VE3SY, Gord VE3EOS, Dave VA3DGS, Greg VE3NXB, John VE3AMZ, Bill VE3WFR, Ben VA3BNY, Frank VEOFH and John VE3VRA. Cancellation of meetings Objective: To configure the RCK repeater to broadcast a cancellation notice over the air. Action: Frank to prepare the greeting, "Meeting cancelled tonight", and investigate setup. Red Cross Objective: To open a dialogue with the Red Cross and improve its longstanding relationship with KWARC. Action: Ed Spike to invite Red Cross officials to attend an executive meeting. Cuban Update Objective: Pose the following questions to the University of Santiago de Cuba: What would they like us to do?; How can donors be assured the exported equipment will find its way into amateur hands?; Can some means of feedback be implemented that would enable KWARC to assess the success of the project? Action: Greg to talk to Don about these concerns. Finance Objective #1: To reduce the cost of membership by $5 for those persons able to receive the Kilowatter bulletin via the KWARC website. The reduction could increase the membership, since the associate membership fee would be only $10. Action: Greg VE3NXB to do some number crunching. Objective #2: That the $1500 earned by hosting the Radio Society of Ontario be reinvested into GICs or some other monetary vehicle. Action: Greg to examine available options. Including using the money to finance the installation work scheduled to begin at the Baden and new Mannheim repeater sites. Fleamarket Objective: To gain an understanding of the criticism leveled against the club. Action: Gord VE3EOS to obtain a copy of the bulletin containing the article
The following items were discussed informally. Nominations Meeting Format Constitution Announcements The February club meeting will be dedicated to "Swap Night". The centre area will be cleared to make room for display tables. The March club meeting will be a "Show-and-Tell" night. Ben, delegated to investigate the impact of CTCSS tones on KSR, hopes hell have enough data to address the February club meeting. John VE3AMZ, will be investigating an inexpensive circuit that would allow those without CTCSS capability, access to the repeater. The repeater VE3IXY is back on the air. The temporary antenna is reportedly giving good signal coverage. Ben is currently trying to locate a manual for the repeater; ICOM 38A220. Bill VE3WFR offered his assistance in finding a manual. Paul reported that he has received an assurance from VA3LAW that, with respect to the clubs incorporation, everything is ok. The Incorporation is being brought up to date. A motion to adjourn the meeting was proposed by Bill, VE3WFR and seconded by Ben, VA3BNY at 9:30pm. John Holman VE3VRA secretary@kwarc.org
errors or ommissions to secretary@kwarc.org