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Executive Commitee Minutes |
9th Executive Committee Meeting Topics for discussion
Cost of the Bulletin to members Paul VE3SY proposed a motion that there should be a reduction in the club membership fee for those individuals who take their club bulletin from the website. The motion was seconded by Gord, VE3EOS. After some further discussion Gord proposed an amendment to the original motion in which the club fee would, in future, be itemized to allow a choice to the membership. The choice available would be to either receive the club bulletin or choose not to receive it. Members in possession of a standard individual membership would see their annual fee reduced from $25 to $20 if they elected not to receive the Kilowatter by mail. In order to accommodate those members who have already paid their subscription it was suggested they be reimbursed by having their membership renewal date advanced a month. In other words, receive one months free membership. It was suggested the plan be implemented as of July 1st, which corresponds to the start of the fiscal year. The amendment was seconded by Bill, VE3WFR and passed by a unanimous show of hands. Red Cross Action: Robert to inform Judy of the clubs plan to reimburse Red Cross $100 to cover the cost of their payment of the RCK repeater licensing fee. Robert also made contact with Mary Verbeek, Emergency Planning Co-ordinator for the region. Robert expressed his desire to file an ARES deployment plan with RAC and the Regional Government. Action: Robert to formulate a plan that will be submitted to the membership for review . Scheduled date for the presentation to be the May 3. meeting Also from ARES VE3ZLV passed on a message from John VE3DOS who indicated that the Regional Emergency coordinator wishes to have antennas, recently removed from various regional facilities, be installed at the regional evacuation sites Action: Robert ZLV to locate these antennas and have someone from tech committee judge their suitability. First Time Members Binder Concern was expressed regarding the cost of producing the handbook and whether it would be of interest to existing members. It was suggested that the members be given the opportunity to express an interest. Objective: To determine if existing members would be interested in purchasing a Club Information Binder at an estimated cost of between $2 - $3 a copy. Action: Paul Cassel Announcements The May 3, talk which was to have been on the subject of home security systems may be changed, according to Ben. As an alternative Bob, VE3GLA has been approached about providing the members with a talk on his remote rig operation software that he is currently developing for MFJ. On June 7, Club members will have a unique opportunity to hear a talk given by Brian Biggings, VE3XA. Brian recently returned from the ZL9CI DXpedition to Campbell Island. Technical
Committee VE3IC on the air
Donations A motion to adjourn was proposed by Bill, VE3WFR and seconded by Ben, VA3BNY. The meeting closed at 9:15pm errors or ommissions to secretary@kwarc.org