General Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC

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Meeting Minutes
by John Holmans

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The May 3rd 1999 General Meeting

President Paul Cassel, VE3SY opened the meeting at 7:35. There were 63 members and visitors present.

Business meeting
Club Secretary John, VE3VRA proposed a motion that minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed; seconded by Drew, VE3AOR. A motion that the treasurers report be adopted as printed was proposed by club treasurer, Greg Hollinger, VE3NXB and seconded by Gord, VE3NQK.

Election Night
Paul informed members that the club was missing two nominations for President and Vice-President. In response to his urgent pleas, two individuals were nominated and agreed to stand for election. These were Dave, VE3MRJ for the post of Vice-President (Nominated by Gerry VE3DYY, seconded by John, VE3DOS) and Bob VA3MCK for the position of President (Nominated by Walter VE3NEI, seconded by Hugh VE3IYG)

Rich, VE3DCC repeated his need for parking volunteers at this years Flea Market in Fergus.

Volunteers are still being sought for the Red Cross Rally to be held May 16th John, VE3DOS asked those interested to contact either himself or Robert, VE3ZLU.

John also made members aware of the new CANWARN atlas, available to individuals who have undergone training. Sign-up sheets were made available to members wishing to obtain a copy.

Vern Stroud VE3RVS reported that of the eight who wrote the recent Radio Examination, eight passed. Two of the eight were aged only 12 and 14 years. Club members applauded the efforts of the instructors.

Dave Schwartz VA3DGS drew attention to the upcoming Field Day to occur on the June 26/27 weekend. After a brief description of the event, Dave invited those willing to participate to put their name down on the sign-up sheet.

Also from VA3DGS. As Flea-Market liaison person Dave is requesting help setting up tables in the arena on the evening of June 11th.

At 7:15pm the members broke for coffee. The meeting resumed at 8:35 with the 50/50 draw, worth $35.50. The winning ticket belonged to Mark VE3THG who says he will now come out to more club meetings.

This months speaker, Bob Rushby VE3GLA gave a talk on the Remote radio control software he is currently developing for MFJ. After the talk Ben, VA3BNY awarded Bob with a certificate of appreciation. Ben told the audience that subject of next month’s speaker will be the Campbell Island DX-pedition.

A motion to adjourn was put forward by Marg, VE3BLJ and seconded by Drew, VE3AOR. The meeting closed at 9:35pm.

John VE3VRA, Secretary

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