General Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC

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Meeting Minutes
by John Holmans

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The June 7th 1999 General Meeting

Paul, VE3SY opened the meeting at 7:30. There were 60 members and visitors present, including Raju, VU2NR visiting from India.

Guest speaker
Ben, VA3BNY introduced the evening’s guest speaker, Brian VE3XA who gave a talk on the Campbell Island DXpedition. Brian illustrated his talk with the expedition’s official video.

At 8:50pm the members broke for refreshments. The meeting resumed at 9:13pm.

Business meeting
A motion proposed by John VE3VRA, that minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed was seconded by Gord, VE3NQK with the following revisions:

Robert, VE3ZLU noted that the time recorded for last month’s refreshment break was incorrect. This should have read 8:15pm.

John, VE3AMZ reported that he, and not, Hugh VE3IYG had proposed Bob, VA3MCK as Vice President.

A motion that the treasurers report be adopted as printed was proposed by club president, VE3SY and seconded by Gord, VE3NQK.

Paul made an announcement that two members of the executive would be resigning. In their place would be appointed Dave, VE3MRJ and Bob, VA3MCK. It was explained that this action was to satisfy the club bylaw that stipulates both President and Vice President should previously have held positions on the executive.

Rich, VE3DCC repeated his need for parking volunteers at this years Flea Market in Fergus.

Robert VE3ZLU, submitting his ARES report, thanked those who had participated in last month’s Red Cross Rally. There were 11 volunteers drawn from KWARC and the Elmira group.

Dave Schwartz VA3DGS drew attention to the upcoming Field Day to occur on the June 26/27 weekend and invited everyone to attend.

Repeating his call of last month, Dave again requested for volunteers to step forward who would be willing to act as parking attendants and man the admission tables.

Also on the lookout for volunteers, Paul VE3SY expressed his need to find a person able to take over the editing of the club bulletin.

Ben, VA3BNY told the members that he is currently on the lookout for ideas to fill the next sessions program. Anyone in possession of good idea should contact him via e-mail.

Harold, VE3PQA, won the 50/50 draw, valued at $28.25. Remaining tickets were used to draw winners for five, Campbell Island DXpedition posters.

A motion to adjourn was put forward by Marg, VE3BLJ and seconded by Drew, VE3AOR. The meeting closed at 9:35pm.

John VE3VRA, Secretary

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