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Executive Commitee Minutes |
9th Executive Committee Meeting Meeting was called to order by President David at 7:15 Dates were set as follows for the Club meetings and executive meetings for the year:
Pres David will contact John S to confirm reservations at Mutual ( Clarica ) for the meetings. Pres David asked about banking details and will get signature cards updated, VP Bob was given a key for the mailbox and will collect the mail. Dave will provide both the Pres and VP with passwords for the clubs webbsite database. Ben will confirm regular club meeting dates with 404. Field Day 2000 will be looked after by Dave Knight and Dave Flea Market 2000 will be looked after by Bill Smith and Dave it was suggested that President David and VP Bob meet with Bill Smith of the Guelph club and a suggestion was made by Bob to see if Cambridge and Fergus clubs should be asked to participate. The above items will be placed on the January exec meeting agenda for further discussion. Ben listed the programs he has scheduled for this year and he is still looking for suggestions, members suggested the following ideas: Shack crawl, Wind energy video,Look TV, Canwarn, Internet, antennae design, tech night. It was also suggested that we could have a " tech tip " each club meeting to help the knowledge level of our members. VP Bob raised the issue of having greeters, he has contacted Hugh and Harry who have agreed to do the job. Bob also asked about a club historian, Paul noted that he is now in possesion of all the club history and is putting it in our website and agreed to help whoever agrees to act as historian. Bob offered Lloyds name as a possible candidate and Bob will contact Lloyd about this. Bob will also get prices on name tags and the design will be discussed at the September exec meeting. Bob raised the matter of trying to get members to upgrade their skills in amateur radio such as code, felt this is an age old problem and not easy to solve. Ted asked about where the packet equipment was, this led to a discussion on all the clubs radio equipment and it was decided to redo the inventory and try and locate all of it. Item will be placed on the October exec agenda. Brief discussion followed on a site to install the clubs hf equipment for a station that can be used by members that cannot install aerials at home. ( will be placed on October exec agenda ) Paul noted that he no longer will do the printed version of the club newsletter but would help the new editor. It was suggested that maybe Paul ( ve3pt ? ) may be approached to act as editor. John wanted to thanks Tedd for all his work and money expended for the clubs benefit. Item moved to Sept exec meeting which Ted will not be at so we can decide how to thank him appropiately. John mentioned that the Club wanted to purchase some of Teds equipment so that it will be under our insurance, wording and terms of sale to be finalized later. John also raised the KSR phone patch being changed since the storm, general discussion followed about the Baden tower site and the ant installation, Manheim work. Tech committe to prepare a list of recommended changes . Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm. Many thanks to Ben and Heather for hosting our first exec meeting and providing refreshments. Minutes recorded by president David. errors or ommissions to secretary@kwarc.org