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Meeting Minutes |
The Sept 13th 1999 General Meeting New President Dave VA3MRJ opened the meeting on Sept 13th, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. to a full house comprising of 70 members and guests. After introductions Dave handed the floor over to Ben VA3BNY who introduced the evenings guest speaker, Bob Morden, VE3EIM. Guest speaker Bob, a visitor from the London club gave a talk on spy radio. At the conclusion of the talk Ben presented Bob with a certificate of appreciation. At 8:30 the members took a refreshment break. The meeting was called to order at 8:55pm. The second half of the meeting was dedicated to business. Business meeting Bob, VA3MCK, seconded a motion proposed by John VE3VRA, that minutes of the last meeting be adopted as printed. Eric VE3BB suggested he was unable to verify the minutes since he had not received the latest bulletin. Dave, VA3MRJ explained that no Bulletin would be forthcoming until a new editor for the Kilowatter could be found. He went on to say that past president Paul Cassel, VE3SY would no longer be filling that position and appealed to the members for a volunteer. Until a new editor can be found, club information will be available only on the KWARC website. There was no treasurers report but new treasurer Dave, VA3DGS invited anyone interested to view a printout he had of clubs present financial state. John, VE3AMZ was invited to submit a report on the activities of the Technical Committee. John told the audience that there was nothing of significance except to say that KSR repeater antenna would be changed over in two weeks time. Announcements Vice President Bob, VA3MCK announced that Lloyd, VE3BZF had agreed to take on the position of club historian. He also passed on the good news that the RAC had opened the way for those amateurs in possession of a 5 w.p.m. ticket to transmit on the 10 meter band. Dave asked those members who had recently upgraded their licenses to identify themselves. Ben, VA3NBNY raised his hand and received a round of applause. Ben recently passed his 12 w.p.m. Morse code test. Linda Hayward, VA3LWH took the floor in the hope of finding volunteers to assist with the manning of an amateur radio station during the Scout Jamboree to be held on the 15th to the 17th of October. It is planned to operate the station from the Scout House located on Frederick Street. Joe, VE3VXO volunteered his services. Several suggestions were put forward including the use of the clubs call. The use of VE3IC would enable novice hams to operate without many of the restrictions normally attached to their licenses. Ed Spike, VE3TCK voiced his support of Lindas efforts and suggested other volunteers were needed to act as contacts. He explained that the "dead-air" resulting from too few contacts might cause some, unfamiliar with the hobby, to lose interest. As to the use of the club call, Gord, VE3NQK asked that this idea should be put to the executive for approval. Harold, VE3DWH informed the membership about the Fall meeting of the Quarter Century Club to be held at the Plainsman Restaurant on October 16th. He also drew our attention to the opening of the Hammond Museum at its new location at 595 Southgate Drive in Guelph, adjacent to the Hammond Transformer Division. An open-house is scheduled for Saturday October 2nd, between the hours of 1:00 and 4:00pm. It is hoped that Fred may be well enough to cut the ribbon. Ben, VA3BNY displayed a 386 computer donated by a friend. He explained that the computer, in perfect working order, was available free of charge to the first-comer. He also announced to everyone that he is still on the lookout for ideas and especially presenters for some of this seasons guest speaker venue. Dave, VA3MRJ reminded members of the executive meeting scheduled for September 14th. A trophy was awarded (in his absence) to Paul, VE3SY for his efforts during this years Field Day. Paul operated the clubs 40 meter SSB station. Dave, VA3DGS who announced the award mentioned that from this point on a new means of determining the winner would come into effect. He explained as follows: Scores for each band would be averaged over the last two years. Participants would then have to show a percentage of "improvement" over that average to qualify for an award. This was considered fair since some bands were considerably more active than others. Ed Spike, VE3TCK giving his CANWARN report said that he is still on the lookout for a Coordinator. In response to Joe, VE3VXOs question regarding the timing of the next ham course, Ron Gimbal, VE3DBD commented that traditionally the course is held in January. It was agreed that the matter would be put to the executive at the next meeting. A motion to adjourn was put forward by Bob, VA3MCK and seconded by Joe, VE3VXO. The meeting closed at 9:30pm. errors or ommissions to secretary@kwarc.org