General Minutes Kitchener-Waterloo ARC

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Meeting Minutes
by John Holmans

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Minutes of Meeting held November 1, 1999.
Club President, Dave VA3MRJ opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. There were 55 members and guests present. After introductions Dave handed the floor over to Ben VA3BNY who was to be the evening’s speaker.

Guest speaker
Ben entertained the audience with his cleverly devised "Question Quiz Night". The multimedia presentation comprised of 50 multiple choice questions and was very well received.

At 8:55 the members took a refreshment break.

The meeting was called back to order at 9:15pm.

ARES report
Robert, VE3ZLV announced that ARES representatives had met recently with the Ministry of Health ambulance administration to discuss emergency communications procedures. He reported that participants were able to devise a system that would operate satisfactorily in the event of an overall communications failure.

Robert informed the members he is looking for volunteers to take part in an emergency network that will provide backup in the event of a communications loss resulting from a Y2K systems failure. He also brought along a communications survival kit that would provide 4 hours of emergency operation.

Technical Report
Tedd VA3TJD mentioned that crystals for the new UHF repeater had been received. The frequency of operation will be 442.200. A tone of 131.8Hz will be required to access the repeater.

Club vice president, Bob VA3MCK, informed members of two recent executive motions: To extend a vote of thanks to the Technical Committee and its helpers and the clubs response to bereavement.

Ben, VA3BNY reminded members about the KWARC Christmas lunch scheduled for December 17th. The lunch, which is to be held at the Transylvania Club is set to start at noon. Tickets are priced at $13.

Also on the subject of entertainment Ben went on to remind everyone that the December meeting will occur on the 13th of December, the second Monday of the month. In addition to it being a swap night, the Ham Band will provide entertainment. Ben encouraged members to bring treats.

Frazer, VE3FC announced that due to a recent lack of interest, the Cambridge club will be suspending code practice sessions on the VE3SWR repeater.

Roger Sanderson VE3RKS took the platform to inform the membership that his car was recently burgled. Missing equipment includes an Icom ICO2-AT hand-held serial number 48932, an Icom Speaker/Mic, a Radio Shack communications speaker and a Piriphyrix (sp) large 1200 mahr battery pack and lighter cord.

On a happier note, Roger announced he was seeking volunteers to assist in a car rally scheduled to take place near Bancroft on the 20th of November. Those interested should contact either Ian Robertson or himself.

Dave VA3MRJ reminded executive members of the meeting due to be held at the Clarrica building on November 9th at 7:30pm. Also he pointed out that Marg and Mary, the long serving "coffee ladies" are to retire. Volunteers for the position should contact either Dave or Marg.

Dave VA3MRJ invited Linda, VA3LWH to report on the recent Jamboree On The Air. She said that the event had been a great success and extended her thanks to all those who participated. It is expected that Scout badges marking the event will be awarded to participants.

Ex-president Paul Cassel, VE3SY invited members to take advantage of the club call, VE3IC and give it an airing. He reported using the call recently in the CQWW contest in which 1850 contacts were made qualifying for DXCC on both 10 and 15 meters. Paul said the points accumulated totaled 2.2 million.

Ben, VA3BNY announced that the autopatch codes would be changing in the next day or so. Those eligible to receive the new patch codes will find them displayed on their Kilowatter mailing label.

Norm, VE3DEQ invited all interested parties to attend the Packet meeting scheduled for Tuesday evening between 7 and 9pm. (November 2nd)

The 50/50 draw, valued at $24.50, was won by Jim, VA3JMB.

Dave, VA3MRJ adjourned the meeting at 9:35pm

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