Meeting Minutes |
Minutes of Meeting
held December 13, 1999. Members and their guests, arriving for the meeting, were greeted by the sounds of the four piece “Hamband”. At 7:40 p.m, Dave VA3MRJ opened the meeting. Sixty-two persons were in attendance. After introductions Dave invited members to make the following announcements. Ben,
VA3BNY reminded members of the club’s Christmas luncheon to be held
Friday 17th at the Transylvania club. He said that tickets were
still available for purchase. Ben
also informed the audience that the guest speaker at January’s meeting
will be past president, Paul Cassel VE3SY. Paul will be talking about
digitalization techniques and will be providing an on-line guided tour of
the club website. Responding
to a question from Tedd, VE3TJD, Ron said that there were currently no
plans to introduce an Advanced course for those amateurs wishing to
upgrade. A show of hands revealed approximately half a dozen people
interested in participating in such a course. According
to Tedd VE3TJD, the 442.2Mhz repeater is now operating with phone patch.
Access tone for the repeater is 131.8Hz. At 7:55 Dave, VA3MRJ adjourned the meeting and wished everyone seasons greetings. Dave invited all to partake of the food generously provided by members and to checkout the various swap and trade items that were on display at the back of the hall. The 50/50 draw, valued at $36.00, was won by Ben, VA3BNY errors or ommissions to