
Amateur Radio Newsline
from Edition #1021 - 03/07/97
The following two articles are reprinted from:
Amateur Radio NewsLine
c/o Andy Jarema-N6TCQ
P.O.Box 660937
Arcadia, CA
And the ARRL is not the only ham radio national society
taking a tough line against band sharing with the Little LEO satellite
industry. Radio Amateurs of Canada is warning hams north of the
border not to be taken in by what it believes might be a divide and
conquer strategy by that industry.
On February 22, Radio Amateurs Canada issued an advisory to
all clubs saying that representatives of large telecom corporations were
approaching Amateur Radio clubs. This, to explain how it would be
feasible for the Little LEO and hams to share spectrum in the 146, 220
and 440 MHZ bands.
But the Canadian ham club that's at the focus of the flap
says RAC is wrong. The Kitchener- Waterloo Amateur Radio Club says
that it extended the invitation to a representative of ORBCOMM Canada to
speak at an April 7 meeting, not the other way around. The club
says it wants to learn more about the way current LEO satellites are
already sharing public safety and commercial frequencies. Using
its Web page the club defends its invitation to ORBCOMM as an
open-minded effort to get all the facts.
But in the advisory signed by RAC President Farrell
Hopwood, VE7RD, the society leaves no room for compromise with the Kitchener-Waterloo
club or anyone else. It says that a club's broad-minded reception
of industry speakers could be turned against hams. RAC says that
after talking to ham radio groups the Little LEO industry could then
approach the government claiming it consulted with hams across the
country who greeted them warmly and did not disagree with their ideas.
Radio Amateurs Canada adds that it will do everything it
can to dissuade government and industry from forcing hams to share
bands. It calls the Little LEO band sharing idea an ill- conceived
program that is loaded with problems for amateurs and the public.
(Via Radio Amateurs Canada)
The battle between ham radio and the Little Low Earth Orbiting
Industry has escalated. This with the American Radio Relay League having
drawn a proverbial line in the sand and daring the Little LEO industry to
cross it.
Setting the tone is one high ranking ARRL official well known to
Newsline listeners. Speaking at the Leagues recent Great Lakes Convention
in Cincinnati Ohio, First Vice President Steve Mendelsohn, W2ML, was very
blunt in saying that this is literally a fight for the survival of ham
radio as we know it today:
"This is the fight, we are fighting for 2 meters, 220, and
450. And its
a vary real fight. There is no presentation I can make. There is no
comment that I can make to you that is more important than an understanding
that the league board, the leagues staff and all the senior officials out
in the field know that this is not a joke, This isn't a drill. This
the real thing. The fight for VHF and low UHF is on. And is on right now
with the Little LEO crowd." Mendelsohn
From what Vice President Mendelsohn and other ARRL spokespersons
saying, the League appears to have taken the position that there is not
even any room for discussion of possible band sharing with the Little LEO
satellite industry. The society seems to be saying that its either them or
us who will have the 2 meter, 1 and 1/4 and 70 centimeter bands and its
definitely not going to be the Little LEO's.
(Via Amateur News Weekly and Newsline)
© 1996
Amateur Radio Club Inc.
updated March 09,97