
K-W Radio Amateurs Since 1922
June 2nd and 23rd saw not only the annual Field Day at Doon Heritage Crossroads, but the first event in KWARC's 80th Anniversary celebrations. The Hall of Fame at Doon was taken over by several of your club members along with some keen help from outside the club to convert the space into a virtual museum of the history of radio.
The first thing you saw to your right as you entered the hall was a selection of
items from the Hammond Radio Museum. Noreen Irwin, VE3AQZ, the curator at Hammond's delivered to us a fine selection of items starting with just after the 'spark' days, progressing from a crystal set on up through one
tube, two tube, three tube radios, right on into multi-tube merchant marine sets. On display were also a wide variety of variable inductor tuning arrangements just to make it more interesting. This display ended with a wonderful old Hallicrafters 'Super Sky Rider'. Paul Cassel, VE3SY, hosted this section when he wasn't busy being the club's official photographer.
George Found, the owner of Grandpa's Radio, a local company that refurbishes and refinishes fine old cabinet radios came and brought a most interesting selection from his private museum which formed the next section of our displays. There is so much to describe that I can only hope the pictures do the area some justice while I hit the highlights.
A floor lamp with a built in shelf for a small radio seemed to add a cozy 'living room' atmosphere to one corner, while in the opposite corner was a wonderful highly styled TV set from the 50's - the most modern device on display. The oldest was a hand made crystal set, and in between was an example of literally every style of radio made. Oh yes, and that incredible first portable TV!
Gord Hayward, VE3EOS, had his 'spy radio' on show, and Gord tells us he made his first CW contact on it. Gord also had a complete 'fresh out of the crate' WWII #19 set for all to see. So many amateurs used one of those rigs on 80 and 40 as beginners. In the same display area Bill Riddell, VE3WFR, had his complete Heathkit station on show. Now, that's a station that looks like a station. The two displays together gave our visitors and idea of amateur radio equipment from the 50's and 60's.
The last area was not a display at all, but two complete IRLP setups (one on
VHF and the other on UHF), and provided our visitors with an opportunity to see the latest in communications equipment, and to get on the air and talk to some hams in 'exotic' places. Terry Green,
VE3NSV, provided the equipment, and together he and Bob Pelling, VE3XNB served as operators.
Outside, over in the railway station John Hann, VA3LKH and Norm Perault, VE3DEQ were operating the telegraph equipment for visitors, and providing another example of early
KWARC owes all of the people who helped on this event a big big thanks, not the least of which goes out to Wendy Connell and her staff at Doon Heritage Crossroads, who have made the grounds available for Field Day for several years, and this time pulled all the stops so we could celebrate our 80th Anniversary with the public. Keep watching for news of the next 80th event - a banquet!
Click Here For 2002 Field Day Story and Photos
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