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Your Call

Serving K-W Radio Amateurs Since 1922

Our New Banner
by Ron Gravelle VA3TVS

 Our new KWARC banner is a most welcome addition to our club.  This 4 x 10' banner was a joint effort between the KWARC CANWARN Coordinator Ron Gravelle, VA3TVS and Mr. Randy Mawson, VE3TRW, Environment Canada Coordinator, Agreements and Partnerships MSC, ON Region.

A basic banner design was drafted by Ron VA3TVS who had a meeting with Ben Sasiela, VA3BNY, our Tech Chairman and Paul Cassel VE3SY, our on-line Kilowatter news editor on behalf of our executive and club members respectfully. They each had several great ideas.

A meeting with Randy Mawson was arranged and Ron discussed the clubs banner needs with him, mentioning details and input from Ben and Paul. Randy was delighted to be involved with our banner project and he discussed the position of Environment Canada in relation to the KWARC's banner and agreed to help where he could.

Ron drew up a final draft which was presented to Kevan Mighton of "ANDESIGN", located at 1486 Victoria Street. N. Ron meet with Kevan to discuss all aspects of design possibilities and a colour scheme was planned out, keeping the basic design and our clubs colour's in mind.

Thank you Ben, Paul and most of all Mr. Randy Mawson of Environment Canada for assisting in design and for the total financial contribution on behalf of KWARC.

Ron Gravelle VA3TVS
CANWARN Coordinator
Waterloo Region