month Sentence for Elliot Lake Ham
Caught Jamming Police Radio
by Paul Cassel VE3SY
20-Apr-2003 21:45
Some of you may recall reading the RAC News article in the June 2000
Kilowatter detailing how an Elliot Lake Ham had been charged for
jamming the local police radio network.
The press release issued at that time follows.....
On Tuesday March 28, 2000, an Inspector
Charles Rochon from the Northern Ontario Spectrum
District Office accompanied constables from the Elliot Lake Police
Department in serving a search warrant on a person suspected on
causing malicious interference to the Elliot Lake Police
Department radio system.
For several months the Elliot Lake Police
Department experienced intermittent interference which obstructed
their communications system while in encryption mode. The
interference did not occur while in operating in non-encrypted
mode. Equipment problems were suspected as the cause and
apparently over $7K of technician's time was spent trying to
isolate and resolve the matter.
The Police Chief apparently received an
email from a local amateur radio operator claiming responsibility
for the interference. Industry Canada inspectors investigated and
traced the source of the interfering signal to the suspected
amateur radio operator's apartment.
During the search Roger Bolwig, a licensed
amateur radio operator, was found with modified amateur radio
equipment that was capable of operating outside of the amateur
radio bands, and specifically, on the frequencies assigned to the
Elliot Lake Police Department. He was charged with mischief and
arrested immediately.
Bolwig was released on bail on the
condition that he not possess radio or computer equipment and not
to associate with another local amateur whom he implicated as also
being involved in the malicious interference. The equipment seized
from Roger Bolwig during the search was a modified Kenwood model TH-27A
two-metre Amateur hand-held transceiver, a PC and a scanner.
Bolwig, VE3ECB was subsequently charged under the Radiocommunications
Act which is a federal offence. This charge under the Radio Act went
to trial on February 19, 2001.
On Februray 23rd the Attorney General's agent for Algoma East informed
KWARC as follows, the outcome of the case....
Mr. Bolwig pleaded and was found guilty to
two counts under the Radiocommunication Act for which he received a
conditional jail sentence of 9 months together with conditions as well
as probation for 18 months. His Radio license was also suspended for 18
months by the court and I am advised by the Ministry that it is highly
unlikely he will ever get an amateur radio license again.
He was also ordered to pay $600 in restitution as well as perform 50
hours of community work. His equipment was also seized. There still
remains the outstanding Criminal Code Charge of Public Mischief which
will be dealt with in April or May by the Provincial Crown Attorney.
R.H. Aubé Agent for the Attorney General, Algoma East
Click here for a copy of the
Elliot Lake Police Services Press Release
But wait.... the
story gets better....
Last fall our Internet
Service Provider IGS, started to receive harassing phone calls from
someone who refused to fully identify himself demanding that KWARC remove
his name from our web site. This person refused to fully identify
himself nor would he give Don the URL where his name was used. Don
contacted myself asking if I might know who or what this was about and of
course at that time I did not and had no way of checking as we did not
have a name.
On January 7th of this
year, the following e-mail (sic) addressed to editor@kwarc.org
was received by myself and Dennis VA3DLT.....
Dear Sir:
It has come to my attention that my name is being used within a igs.net
That being http://www.kwarc.org Which is hosted by IGS.NET.
I did not give any consent to this group nor consent to this posting of
my name and address.
One can only imagine the reprecussions of such reckless webmastering to
post a persons name..address the works!
In recent case law study , the Internet is not a form of media , and is
not granted the ' Freedom Of The Press ' as seen in The Charter Of
Rights (sec 8)
If a person(s) is to use a name on a website, that is not the webmaster
, consent must be given, and in this case written consent must be
gtranted, by which I did not consent to this.
The URL is http://www.kwarc.org/bulletin/2000-05/rac_report.htm
Should you require further information, legal council is available as
well as myself.
Legal Council : Mr. Bruce Fraser B.A., LL.A Law - Blind River , Ont 705
356 3325
Or myself
Mr . Roger W. Bolwig A, .CC
705 848 7521
All we ask is that the name be removed from the internet.
We thank you in this matter , and trust all is in order.
Respectfully ,
Jennifer L. Bolwig
Legal Advocate
After receiving the above e-mail I was even
more intrigued as to what was going on since the press release above
indicated that as a condition of Bolwig's bail he could not possess
computer equipment which the above e-mail made it obvious he had.
I then sent an e-mail to the Elliot Lake
ARC asking what anyone there knew about Bolwig. Several members of
the club subsequently contact me to confirm the case was before the
courts. Just before the court date we received and urgent e-mail
indicating that the Attorney acting for the Attorney General's
Office would like a copy of the above e-mail from
Bolwig. A copy was sent to the AG's agent who received
same and thanked us for the assistance.
A Press Release from Industry Canada on the
disposition of the Radiocommunication Act charges follows:
Spectrum Management and Telecommunications News
Bulletins - Contraventions
of the Radiocommunication Act

Elliot Lake, Ontario - On February 19, 2001, following an
investigation assisted by an Industry Canada Spectrum Management
Officer, Mr. Roger William Bolwig, of Elliot Lake, pleaded
guilty to possession of unlicensed radio equipment contrary to
section 4, and interfering with radiocommunication contrary to
section 9(1) of the Radiocommunication Act.
Mr. Bolwig was charged on March 29, 2000, by the Elliot
Lake Police Service after a lengthy investigation into a
radiocommunication interference problem being experienced by the
Elliot Lake Police Service.
On February 21, 2001, Mr. Bolwig was sentenced to 9 months
imprisonment to be served in the community with conditions, 18
months probation including the performance of 50 hours of
community service, and restitution to the City of Elliot Lake in
the amount of $600.
The potential of harmful interference caused by the
operation of radio equipment on frequencies other than those
authorized by Industry Canada is a serious concern. Any
contravention to the provisions of the Radiocommunication Act
and its regulations constitutes an offence and is subject to
legal sanctions provided by the Act.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Douglas Slomke
Manager, Spectrum Services
Industry Canada-Spectrum Management
Northern Ontario District Office
(705) 941-4139
So, if anyone would like the call VE3ECB,
I expect it will be available shortly.
Thanks to
Paul Cassel VE3SY
Kilowatter On-Line Editor