You Doon Heritage Crossroads The Kitchener Waterloo Amateur Radio Club held its Field Day 2000 this year at the Doon Heritage Crossroads, just south east of Kitchener, and it turned out to be a great success and a terrific site. Six stations were in operation at all times, with portable power and a variety of antenna arrays, in trees and portable towers. After considering many other locations around the KW area, we have found that the Doon site contained all of the requirements for a field day site with visibility to the public, convenient location, little interference, and ample quarters. KWARC recently expressed its appreciation to Wendy Connell, Director of
Program Wendy Connell provided KWARC members with exceptional assistance and promotion for our event.
Club President Bob McKie VA3MCK, see here, recently presented Wendy with a letter from our club recognizing here efforts and is shown in this photograph, presenting a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the members of KWARC. This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them. |