
From The President:
VA3MCK In Nanaimo B.C.
My wife and I visited our son Stewart who takes over the Nanaimo B.C. Kelsey's Restaurant, as General Manager in September. I got in touch with the Nanaimo Club, and specifically Bill Stewart the Club's Chief Examiner, over the internet.
I certainly recommend any Hams visiting an area for a while contact the local club and look for a web site on the internet. Bill's web site is:
Bill has put a link to our kwarc.org, and to the Nanaimo web page.
Stewart and I spent Saturday afternoon at the Field Day site and were welcomed warmly by
all. They had only one station . The HF station alternated CW and phone. Stewart and I were invited to operate
phone. (see picture)
The city of Nanaimo proclaimed the week of Field Day Amateur Radio week, and sent the club a proclamation complete with gold seal. The city also bought the Emergency Measures group a bus complete with cooking facilities, washroom, 6 stations in the rear complete with 6VHF sets, and places for 4-6 HF sets up front.
(see pics ve7jy web site which show interior setup).
The bus is used by hams, local police, RCMP, and/or Emergency measures
groups. The club can sign the bus out when required, as they are part of Emergency measures
group. The Emergency Measures Co-ordinator is also a Ham (see web site
I had my HTX202 but difficulty with the battery, so used auto connector or wall charger. Bill offered me a Dualbander 2M. I declined as it operated OK.
Weather is gorgeous. Stewart has rented a house on Departure Bay, right on the
water. The sea is only 50 ft away and down 3ft. About 40 Canada geese
patrol the waterfront in various configurations, continuously.
Nearly ran into a deer in town. Was a mountain lion in town last week, decimated an
Emu farm.
The club has about 100 members although there are about 250 hams in the region. There are several clubs nearby.
Have been toured around extensively, by Stewart and Kathi. Bill Stewart also offered. May get to their coffee
klatch at Moxie's on Saturday am. Back on July 7,2000,
73's fer now,
Out the KWARC FD Pictures
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