K-W Radio Amateurs Since 1922
Stories and
photos by
Paul Cassel VE3SY
The circa 1900 Waterloo County setting at the Doon
Pioneer Crossroads once again hosted the KWARC Field-Day providing
excellent public exposure for Ham Radio.
The set-up started about 7:30 Friday evening with Ben
VA3BNY erecting his 60' crank up mobile tower and the 6 and 10 metre
guys getting their 6 metre yagi and the 10 metre verticle ready to go when
the tower was cranked up into position.
Outgoing President Bob VA3MCK is pictured here on the
right offering lots of support and advice :-)
hit of the weekend though was the "Top Band" 160 metre antenna
project that featured a helium filled balloon to raise a verticle antenna
to 330 feet.
This photo shows the balloon in the early stages of
inflation adjacent to the restored Petersburg, Ontario train station and
locomotive display at the Pioneer Village.
For a full story on the 160 metre antenna party, click
6 Metres SSB
Mark VE3THG and his wife Fay are pictured here on 6 metres.
Mark was spelled off by Tedd VE3TJD although unfortunately
the band did not open up as it has in previous years.
10 Metres SSB
Once again this year John VE3SJV took on 10 metre
SSB as a solo operator using a verticle mounted atop the 60 foot
crank-up tower.
Like 6 metres, propagation on 10 metres too also
very poor keeping the number of contacts way down over previous
years. John was hoping to also operate PSK31 however an
interface problem nixed that idea as well.
20 Metre CW
Jonathan VE3CBX operated 20 metres with an open wire
folded full wave dipole. Jon also received some assistance
from Dave VE3RBM.
Interference from the 20 metre CW station with the 6
metre station was resolved with a tuned stub built by Don VE3ESE.
40 Metre SSB
Ben VA3BNY took on 40 SSB this year with help from Paul VE3SY.
and Dave VA3MRJ. The contest started with a coaxial
dipole however the performance was way down so a full half wave
dipole was put up which worked A1allowing the team to wrack up some
450 contacts.
160 Metre SSB
As mentioned above 160 metres had a great showing
due to the efforts of Gord and Don erecting a full 5/8 wave verticle
lifted into place with a helium filled balloon.
The team worked 57 contacts on 160 a new record for
KWARC and a personal best for Gord. Gord was also pleased that
he was able to make an "AM" contact during the contest.
What field
day would be complete without the great Chilli and Strawberry tart feast
prepared by Eileen and Hubble Stumpf.
Eileen reported that this was the 10th year that her and
Hubbie have been providing their secret chilli receipt to the hungry crew
at Field Day.
Lined up here for refills is Dave VA3MRJ, Mark VE3THG, Bob
Va3MCK and Ben VA3BNY. Yum Yum!
Golly -
here's Bob and Ben lined up again for food this time for hamburgers served
up by our Field Day coordinator Fred VE3OQB who whipped up great burgers
and dog supplemented by his wife's GREAT home-made rhubarb pie.
Thanks to all of the volunteers and the many visitors who
stopped by to help and visit our set-up. We all hope that the Doon
Heritage Crossroads facilities will be made available to us again next
KWARC will be assisting the Village during their upcoming
1914 Communication's Day to be held Sunday July 22 this year. We
will be providing equipment loaned to us from the Hammond Museum of
Radio which will include circa 1914 spark equipment built by Marconi.
club's IRLP node was demonstrated several times over the weekend with
contacts being made by paul VE3SY with his HT with stations in Australia,
Hawaii and numerous locations in the US, Canada and the UK.
For More FD Pictures click here
73 de Paul VE3SY