K-W Radio Amateurs Since 1922
KWARC Awards
last updated 1982
The purpose of this document is to set out procedures on
how awards are to be made to individuals and or groups of members of the
Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio club.
The committee recognizes that there are times when individuals and groups
have been more than spectators to the club; who have gone that extra mile
unselfishly to promote not only the ideals of the club but those of the
Amateur Radio fraternity as well.
There are also those times when individual, and groups have donated awards
to the club with certain provisions on how they should be awarded.
Over the years, the intent of these awards has been forgotten or changed
to some degree. It was for this reason that the executive of the
Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio Club by resolution asked that a committee
be struck with the following mandate:
Catalogue and verify all existing awards
Examine the criteria of existing awards to ensure it
has not changed over the years,
Propose a set of guidelines for the handling of all
awards that are in existence and for those that may be presented to the
club by individuals or groups in the future.
Make recommendations to the executive for any award,
that were not issued in previous years.
The following represents the unanimous recommendations of
the committee to the executive of the Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio
A permanent committee be formed to be known as the Awards
Committee consisting of:
Past President - Chairman
Vice President
Field Day Coordinator with a mandate to, but not
limited to the following:
1.1) Keep a permanent record of all awards presented to
club members.
1.2) On the request of the Club President, but not later than the last
meeting held in the month of June, make recommendation(s) on what awards
are to be presented and the respective recipient(s). In this respect, it
is not necessary that all, or any, awards be awarded if the awards
committee does not feel that justification exists for an award to be
1.3) Ensure, that any new awards that are presented to the club to be
earned by club members, that full documentation is obtained from the donor
as to the criteria for identifying an eligible recipient and method of
1.4) Any awards given to members from outside organizations to which a
member was performing a club service, the original award is to be kept by
the awards committee for archival purposes with a suitable copy being
given to the recipient.
1.5) Where possible, have award presented to the eligible recipient by the
donor or their designate.
1.6) Take all action necessary to ensure recipients of awards are present
at the time designated for the award ceremony.
1.7) In respect to the Amateur of the year award, ensure the respective
spouse of the recipient is present.
2.0) That all
outstanding awards be presented as soon as possible to the respective
Amateur Of The Year Award
recognize outstanding achievements and contributions of a club member
during a club year.
RECIPIENT: Any member in good standing.
METHOD: The method of choosing a recipient shall be by secret
ballot submitted by all club members at a regular club meeting so
PRESENTATION: The award shall be presented by the club past
president or his designate at the annual club dinner. Every effort shall
be made to have the spouse of the recipient present, and a photographer in
This award is not to be held by the same person two
years in a row.
To be awarded for any activity in amateur radio.
The recipient must be a member of KWARC during the
selection year and the year following.
The recipient will receive a suitably engraved plaque.
Past President
PURPOSE: This award was instituted to recognize an
individual who has provided continued leadership as a member of the
RECIPIENT: Past president meeting the following criteria.
CRITERIA: The recipient of this award must serve at least two years
on the executive directorate with at least one of those in the capacity of
President of the club.
PRESENTATION: This award is to be presented to the recipient at the
club's annual dinner by the incumbent President. A picture shall be taken
for archival purposes. Eligibility for this award begins on the day the
recipient becomes a past president.
President's Award
PURPOSE: This award is to honour individual(s) who
by their actions have made an outstanding contribution(s) to the club.
RECIPIENT: The recipients are chosen by the past president.
CRITERIA: At the pleasure of the past president.
PRESENTATION: To be presented to the respective individual(s) at the
annual dinner by the past president.
Field-Day Award
PURPOSE: The purpose of this award is to recognize
those individual(s) who have participated in the official ARRL/RAC 'Field
Day' event held annually.
RECIPIENT: Anyone participating in the field day event.
CRITERIA: The recipients of this award must have provided valuable
service at the field day event for the current year.
PRESENTATION: This award shall be presented by the field day
coordinator at the annual club dinner.