Toronto 2000
National Convention

Additional Photos from the QCWA International Convention 
This page last updated  
Sunday, October 22, 2000

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Martin Rosenthal VE3MR takes time to make a few contacts on the world famous Fred Hammond Memorial Station, VE3HC.

   Canadian Director George Roach, VE3BNO and XYL Fran VE3HKG, visit with QCWA President Garry Harrison K0BC as Fran receives her 25 year pin.


During the tour of the Hammond Museum of Radio,  Paul Cassel VE3SY(right), shares some thoughts on the Collins display.  (Left-Right) Bill Hammond, Rob Hammond VE3EIL (sons of Fred VE3HC), QCWA President Gary Harrison K0BC and Fred's brother Ken Hammond. Museum Curator Noreen Irwin (right) discusses the Museum Military section to QCWA General Manager Jim Walsh W7LVN and his assistant Jan..


Our Master of Ceremonies for the Saturday Banquet was Ron Nickle VE3SF shown here with his XYL Sharon.   QCWA President Gary Harrison K0BC (left) presents a Century Award to Herb Lehman VE3BZU

Did you take any topical photos during the convention?  Scan and e-mail to

Paul VE3SY