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Our IRLP Node on 

Internet Repeater Linking Project

If this documentation is not clear contact the webmaster with suggested changes

Our IRLP Node
On March 11, 2001 KWARC joined the rapidly growing number of repeaters around the world to link into the IRLP Network when our VE3RBM repeater (444.875 131.8pl) was interconnected from the home QTH of VE3SY.  At that time we were node 65 and now there are close to 1,000 active nodes.

A second node on VE3WFM  147.090 owned by John VE3AMZ was added in 2002.  Erich VA3XTO hosted this node at his QTH. It was moved to Milverton in 2024

Access to these IRLP Network nodes are open to all however we do recommend that regular users be KWARC members. 

While a decision has been made to make the node numbers public, it is still the policy of the KWARC Directors to ask that users of our IRLP node support an IRLP node either here in K-W or their home town.  Associate memberships for those already supporting another club without an IRLP node are only $10 for a full year.   CLICK HERE for full details on membership.

Using the IRLP Network
KWARC has a policy of all club equipment being open access for members and none members alike.   To access any of our nodes simply dial the 4 digit node or reflector number to connect and use 73 to disconnect.

Since the RBM repeater and the WFM repeater are not heavily used repeaters you can expect them to be connected to the Indianapolis  Reflector 9200 on a regular basis.  This means if you wish to connect to a specific node you will need to disconnect the Reflector using the 73 off code.  All local nodes have a short-cut to activate the main reflectors.  

  • 22 will bring up Reflector 9200 in Indianapolis


  • 73 will disconnect you from ANY connection

(NOTE:  These shortcuts are active ONLY on KWARC nodes)

Is IRLP Up or Down on VE3RBM?
You can check the status of VE3RBM by going to http://status.irlp.net and look at VE3RBM.  Also if the courtesy tone goes from High to Low the IRLP is inactive. If the tone goes Low to High the IRLP link is active.

Remember - always announce your call-sign and the destination node you plan to dial or plan to turn off before dialling any on/off codes.

  1. As an example to connect to VE7RVN in Vernon BC simply dial the "ON" code.  (if a message saying that a reflector is currently on, you must turn the reflector off with the appropriate OFF code)

  2. A voice greeting announcing the node will play.

  3. Press your PTT and hold for a brief pause then announce your callsign and QTH and that you are listening for anyone at the other end for a QSO.

  4. When completed announce your call and that you wish to disconnect from repeater VE7RVN then dial the 73 OFF code.

If you just wish to see who is out there listening on a reflector consult the reflector codes and turn one of them ON.  The Denver reflector is the most popular.   Announce your call and intent and dial the ON code.  When the greeting plays  key your mike and hold off talking for a few seconds then announce your call and location and indicate you are QRZ looking for any other IRLP connected stations listening on the reflector.

Note on using REFLECTORS:
Reflectors are set up to only allow ONE person to talk at any given time. Keep this in mind while using reflectors that due to the delay in the system, you should always leave about 5 seconds between transmissions to ensure that any priority traffic has the chance to talk. Also, if you are not getting through, don’t continue to try every transmission, but instead try to wait for a natural break in the conversation.

The reflector will NOT mix audio but instead will allow the first person who talks to continue talking until they are finished. So there is no point in trying to talk overtop of another node, as you will not be heard.

Remember - if you plan on rag-chewing locally please turn the reflector OFF. 

Direct any questions or suggestions on improving these directions to me the address above or by phone 519 634-5139.

Click for KWARC membership info

Click for VE3RBM current status

Listen To IRLP Live

Click for Official IRLP Web site

Enjoy this new service brought to you by your KWARC Executive.  Pass the word and encourage non members to join or rejoin KWARC.

de Paul VE3SY

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Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio Club Inc.
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