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Club Announcements:

2024-07-20: Antenna Building Workshop (note this is a Saturday!) from 8am until about 2pm, Breithaupt Park Pavilion, Kitchener (near the corner of Union and Margaret) on. We will have materials such as wire, insulators, coax, paracord dacron rope, coax connectors, toroids, etc. which you can buy on a per-foot or per-item basis. We will help you measure and cut your antenna, and help you solder and put on connectors. If you are interested in making your own dipole, vertical, End Fed Half Wave, Off Centre Fed dipole, or whatever, please post your interest on the #general Slack channel, responding to Vic's post of June 19th. This will provide a rough idea who is coming and what you want to build. More details about cost will be provided when known. Please save the date!

2024-08-06: Our annual summer BBQ / picnic at Waterloo Park site #20, easiest to the use west entrance off of Westmount Road North. See City of Waterloo map of the park. We have a great spot with a hospitality area that has a full kitchen (fridge, freezer, stove, counter) so bringing cold or warm dishes are possible. It will be a POTLUCK family event. Start time is 6:00pm. Cold beverages will be provided. To help us plan a great event, please sign up in this spreadsheet - Looking forward to it, we had a great time last year!

Our regular meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, 19:00 for 19:30 (local), held jointly in person at 250 Gage Ave, Kitchener, N2M 2C8, and on Zoom. All welcome!

KWARC will continue hosting a 2 meter net on club repeater back on VE3RCK each Tuesday evening at 19:00 to provide a opportunity for members to keep in touch. Come join us on VE3RCK repeater 146.865 -ve offset PL tone 131.8, And say hello for a evening of staying in touch with fellow KWARC members.

Various members will handle net control, but we are looking for volunteers to also take up this opportunity. A fun way to learn how to handle future nets!
Please email if you would like to volunteer to control a future net.

The KWARC Weekly Ragchew takes place on club repeater VE3KSR (146.970 -ve offset, tone 131.8), each Thursday evening from 19:00 to 20:30. This is not a net, and there is no net control, but club members are encouraged to call CQ during this time, just to see who answers.

slack chat,
members only,
Contact the secretary

for an invite.
Club light that was shown at several club meetings. If you are interested in learning more or ordering one for your shack, you can get them from Art by Selina (705 331-8473)