From Small Beginnings A
Brief History of the Guelph, Chapter Two Radio amateurs are a gregarious lot. They are happiest when they are a recognized member of a group. They love to talk, talk, talk. Get a group of them together and believe it or not they all seem to talk at once. It seems this is natural...they deal with communication either on code or phone. They are interested in their own problems of equipment and radio propagation but they are also interested in the other man's problems and how he solved them. In a new hobby there are generally plenty of problems so it is quite natural that one amateur wants to discuss his problems with another amateur. So lasting friendships are developed over the air, perhaps thousands of miles apart. It is also quite natural that groups start meeting on a regular basis to discuss their mutual concerns. Therefore hobby clubs are formed and fulfil a definite requirement. In the case of Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Preston, Hespeler and Galt in
the late 1920's and early 1930's, the amateur radio hobbyists were increasing in number.
In addition to discussing their problems over the air a number of them believed that a
formal club would be desirable for further group discussion, general training and
understanding. This organization was called the Radio Club of Galt and was formed in late
For some months the group met in the basement of Mr. James Sweet who lived at 28 Cameron Street in Galt. The group consisted mainly of the men listed below and organized by Mr. H.L. "Blackie" Taylor VE3ABZ (see photo) and came from the various towns and cities mentioned above. Records of these early days are almost nil and we are indebted to Mr. Taylor for permission to publish these two lists from his files. Expenses did not seem very great, 50 cents per meeting per man which for the February 1936 meeting came to a grand total of $7.00. However postage in these days was probably 3 cents per letter or notice of meeting.
It is interesting to note the "Hamfest" at the Walper Hotel in Kitchener on the 24 May 1939. The ticket shown here was purchased by Hubert Stumpf, VE3BIQ/IZF Also note the Field Day in Preston. The first President of the Progressive Radio Club was W.H. "Bill" Barrie VE3AAS now living in Almonte (1983). Meetings were held in the Kitchener Y.M.C.A. building, in Guelph in the Physics building at the OAC (Ontario Agricultural College) and in Galt at the Y.M.C.A. The meetings were rotated between the three locations. Some of the
Club's Activities 11 July 1937 14 September 1938 25 February 1939 (Date unknown) 24 May 1939 June 1948
The Club members from the Guelph area were Gord McPhail, Fred Holm, Mac Gammon, Fred Hammond, Roy Chappell, Ralph Bartlett, Crawford Robinson, Howard Mathews, Jack Bolton, Ross Walker and others. From Galt the members were Blackie Taylor, Mate Wilson, Johnny Bolt, Lloyd Jones, Bill Scott, Bill Barrie, Jack Stauffer, Connie Gorth, Gordon Clark, Jim Sweet, Bill Martin and others. The Progressive Radio Club held meetings for several years until the outbreak of World War 2 when in 1939 the Federal Government closed down all amateur activities. |