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[ Your Suggestions ]
The Industry Canada Poll Question 1 To what extent would you be in favour of exempting all radio amateurs from the radio station licensing requirements which includes paying licence fees? Comments are preceeded with the authors call or prefix. Those who did not submit their call are shown as annon. ------------- ve3doh we pay such a small fee for such a large enjoyment. ------------- VE3ETK A reduction of fees is always welcome, but an examination to be a Radio Amateur is vital. ------------- ve3eoq With a radio station licence we have some, although admittedly little, official status in the r.f. community. Taking away this licence erodes our pitiful little credability. ------------- VE3FIS I'm not sure I inderstand this question! I am not aware of the station requirements for licencing. ------------- VE3YR No licence equals no status under the Radiocommunications Act, Thus no rights or protection re interference or bands ------------- va3gth What suddenly happens to the various requirements to prevent TVI, safety practices, etc... Will they be enforced? I sure as hell hope so. ------------- VE3ATM Provided we are offered the same level of protection that we currently have when there are problems with RFI etc and the station/equipment is found to be within acceptable limits and the fault lies within the consumer equipment being effected. If a amateur is operating in a way that is unacceptable in current station standard then the same penalties should apply. ------------- VE3PU I would prefer to pay, and receive value for money. ------------- ve3 Exempting license requirements will help create anarchy on the ham radio bands. Where will responsibility lie. Do we want to replicate the GRS band up and down the amateur radio bands? ------------- va3am Unless there are drastic changes in the Radio Act, I fear that loss of actual Amateur Station License, would take away the status of a Licensed Station, as defined in the Radio Act and in the General radio Regulations. ------------- VA3LGD The FCC in the US has de-regulated the examiniation process. The issuance of licenses is still an FCC process, however with a 10 year effective date in the license. I would recommend that IC continue with the delegation process that it abandoned with RAC. ------------- VE3RNY I believe this would be a step towards deregulation not unlike the GRS band. ------------- ve7tcc There should be no fees required for a amateur station licence as is the case in the United States. The contributions of amateur stations in emergency / public service communications is thus recognized by the government. ------------- VE3YE Licence fees should be directed to administration, monitoring, inspection and enforcement - rather than to general government revenues. ------------- ve3 Would prefer to pay only every five years,instead of yearly. ------------- VA3RFZ Take a look at CB bands. Don't ruin well kept and respected HAM bands. ------------- VE3NDX How will IC make up the funds currently collected, or will they simply abandon enforcement of the regulations. In the USA where licences are granted for 10 year intervals there are thousands of novices who have been never been active. Does this mean that even though I become inactive no one can ever get this call again unless I take the initiative to surrender it? Paying an annual fee helps keep records current. ------------- VE7FMY If the Station is not licencwed them control over that station is also then lost. ------------- ve3sre This question is somewhat vague and misleading....why are they linking these two issues...i.e. licensing requirements and the payment of fees? What licensing requirements are they talking about. Do they mean no exams etc.? If that is what they mean I'm not in favour...as to the payment of fees...I don't have a problem...as long as we get some service from Industry Canada. ------------- VE5GWG The fees aren't bad as is , but this sounds like a reduction in paperwork. Sort of a lifetime licence instead of annual. ------------- VE2DC I would prefer that Ind. Can. uses the small revenue from licencing to enforce the radio act. ------------- ve9cb I fear that IC may be seeking to abandon its responsibilities for administering and regulating the Amateur Service. I would prefer they remained engaged. ------------- VE7AGJ Those who use the hobby should pay for it, not the rest of Canadians in the taxes. The money will come from somewhere if it is lost. ------------- ve3by This almost makes us a GRS operators,by paying the license helps protect our bands and I.C. can still support the amateurs ie. interference and strict licensing guid lines ------------- VE3CHW the elimination of fees ruined the CB bands,and the same will occur in the Amateur Service ------------- VE6KJ Cutting out the fees could mean a total hands off policy by IC, and consequently, no protection from them if warranted and required. ------------- VE9REB FROM WHAT I HAVE HEARD IT COULD MEAN THAT WE COULD SOMEDAY LOOSE SOME OF OUR PRIVILEDGE. ALSO COULD TURN HAM INTO CB. IT IS ALREADY THAT WAY ALMOST. ESPECIALY ON 2 METERS ------------- VE9FT By charging fees, the Commission is helping to police the Amateur bands and prevent illegal and unauthorized use of same. Removal of the lisencing would result in complete disregard for the current rules. To whit, the Citizens Band. ------------- ve3mxg Removing amateur radio station licensing requirements places us dangerously close to the situation that currently exists in the General Radio Service (CB Radio). Listening to the CB band will convince any proponent of this change that it is the WRONG thing to do! I am certain that a change like this would reduce the hobby to a usless application of our precious spectrum, opening the door to the reallocation of our bands to the highest commerical bidder!! ------------- ve6nrj What is ISC trying to do? Make Amateur radio like GRS??? I hope not!!!!!!!!! ------------- VE3SQG To maintain our status and provide a measure of protection for our frequencies, an appearance of "paying our way" must be made. Paying a license fee also demonstrates some level of committment to our privledges. ------------- ve7acf What do they mean...exempt ALL radio amateurs from licensing requirements? Does this mean, no one will have to pass an exam to qualify towards amateur radio operations? ------------- ve3wor Operators would still have to pass the test and be issued specific call signs. ------------- VE3XTH Concerned that this will lead to no support for interference or antenna related disputes. ------------- ve9mt Could be a one time payment ------------- VE3THR Keep the licensing and callsign administration in an impartial and proffessional type institution, ie Industry Canada. ------------- VE7LEL Great, but something must be fishy if the Govt is offering us something for nothing!! Is this simply a cost saving move, or in someway, a move to remove the precedent we have on the Amateur Radio Spectrum. ------------- ve3dcc i am in favour of removing the yearly renewal fee... the ritual is a waste of time, money and paper... issue of call signs should be a one-time event.. unless a call is upgraded to a new call ------------- ve4bjz Would need further details about the alternatives. How would the loss of license revenue affect IC and the Amateur Radio Service? Would some new fee generating mechanism be required? What is the advantage to IC of this proposal - alternate services delivery and staff reductions (cost of doing business efficiencies)? ------------- ve3bdb On the surface, this proposition suggests Amateur Radio in Canada is destined for the same fate as General Radio Service (CB). ------------- ve3wmf We should be paying for the use of spectrum just like anyone else. We have no excuse for not paying. In emergencies we are a third tier service that provides no meaningful service. Certain clubs may be the exception but they are few. ------------- ve3tsc Keep the callsigns, payment for, license level but no more code restrictions. Intensify the questions more towards technical and procedures. ------------- ve3vig Although my vhf marine cert. has no license or fees every year. ------------- VE3GWM I would consider dropping the CW requirement ------------- ve3ile Know the 22 dollars does not cover cost of enforcement but freebees may lead to abuse. ------------- ve3stt Paying money makes you a bit more serious about having a licence in the first place. If the money is used to better police amateur radio it makes for a better hobby. And by not having licences, one could likely hold any number of callsigns?!?! ------------- ve7qc Not being certain of the implications and these have not been stated I am reluctant to agree to this proposition. ------------- VE1FH Without licensing, there is no control and there is no regulatory mechanism for enforcement of licensing privelages ------------- VE3RSJ If we don't have to pay for licences, what form of protection can we expect? This seems as an easy way for IC to ignore amateur radio more. ------------- VE3OGE Licensing must be continued, but ONE fee, rather than an annual fee is preferred. ------------- ve7fru A 7 would turn us into the CB band. ------------- VE7CTW Amateur radio and its station/operators provide a significant benefit to the public with respect to emergency communications and as such should be exempted from paying any license fee. ------------- ve3tok I prefer that Government of Canada policing our band that is remove those who don't obey the rules.. Amateurs don't have the power of law enforcement! that's the bottum line... law enforment costs money...without money no law enforcement!! that implies no license fees.. enforment is already lacking by the Government!! The Government has an International duty to take care of that!! We don't want our bands full with Pirats or look like CB! Even want to pay more of that helps.. RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada) can do the basic paperwork for callsigns etc..so that the Government can do some more enforcement..! ------------- VE7OM If I were asked for a 'no brainer' I couldn't have come up with a better one..... ------------- ve7yog trying to go the same as " CB"?? ------------- VE3FFK People tend to attach more significance to things they have to pay money for, than to things that they get for free. ------------- VE9KK This would be the end of Ham Radio ------------- VE3 I'm in favour of no costs but if change means the lowering of standards or a "CB" free for all...............no thanks! As recongnized by the U.S. government, hams provide a cheap nation wide emergency service and therefore we in Canada should be treated the same as our U.S. counterparts. ------------- VE9RB I could live with this I think. It would have to have one stipulation, when you move to another area in the country(province) you must obtain a call for that area. I feel that the call signs should designate an area of the country. I would hate to have the call signs all stirred through the country like a bowl of vegetable soup. ------------- VE7DIR The system works well now, changing it without a good reason makes no sense and will confuse people. ------------- VA3JBS License fees are minimal and the licenses provide a mechanism whereby Amateur Radio will stay in a professional state versus going to the wayside like CB. ------------- ve1tt Operation of unlicenced persons on international frequency allocations is in my humble opinion ludicrous. ------------- VE3INB One registration fee should charged at the initial issue of a callsign; only to be changed at the time that the callsign is changed. ------------- VE3INB One registration fee should charged at the initial issue of a callsign; only to be changed at the time that the callsign is changed. ------------- ve7 First step towards CB ------------- VE7 First step to a glorified GRS Band!!! ------------- END OF QUESTION 1 COMENTS
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Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Radio Club Inc.
updated December 21, 1997
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