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[ Your Suggestions ]
The Industry Canada Poll Open Question What changes, if any, would you like to see in the administration of Amateur Radio certification and licensing in Canada? ------------- ------------- ve3doh revamp the tests for basic, and probably the advanced, A seperate exam for hf priviliges, on at 5wpm and a futher test at 12 wpm.Also a full type digital licence qualification, covering all bands same as advanced , with hf digital priviliges.(we have to do this to reach out to the young who are being assimulated into the ranks of computer operators) ------------- VE3ETK A stonger examination towards operating skills and technical matters, while reducing the importance of Morse to get on the air. ------------- VA3LS more support from IC in regards to problem operators and inteference ------------- ve3eoq Get rid of the antiquated Morse requirement. It is no more relevant than having to read ASCII by ear! Let's establish our catagories of licence by RELEVANT technical requirements, and please, let's get rid of this joke of multiple choice questions. A moderately clever/lucky chimpanzee can pass the test given enough time/tries at the tests. ------------- VE3YR More enforcement, more enforcement, more enforecement are the only 3 things I can think of. ------------- va3gth Licences come due on birthdays. Permit a certificate like they used to have, with all the gaudy insignia and coats of arms and that impressive looking stuff. For that, a surcharge would be no problem at all. To avoid the mob scene, it might have to be restricted to the Advanced and the 12 wpm levels to give more incentive and to cut down on the rush. ------------- VE3PU I would like to see better service, and better administration of monitoring and surveillance of the Amateur bands in Canada ------------- ve3 I am NOT in favour of this exemption! I can see the day that I will leave the amateur radio hobby if this exemption is implemented. ------------- VE1MT Exam structure should be aimed at training Operators as well as theory. A very high percentage of the new operators do not care how a transistor works; they never intend to take the cover off their radio to do repairs. They need MUCH more training on operating etiquette and regulations. ------------- va3am I would like to see that after the acquisition of 5 wpm, that CW access be given to all amateur bands, perhaps this would encourage some upgrading after being able to see first hand what one can do on our entire HF spectrum. It might even enable a few to really learn to enjoy the use of CW and morse code. I am neither an opponent of, nor an advocate of, the use of CW (Morse Code) as a condition of access to HF use. ------------- va3mpy I would like to see callsigns issued according to class of licence. i.e. VExYY or VExYYY or VAxYY for advanced and 12 and VAxYYY and VBxYYY for other classes. This may not be a popular view but I think there should be a differentiation. ------------- VE7ZX The department should either police amateur operations or get out of the business completely. ------------- VA3LGD Follow thru with the delegation of authority plan!!! ------------- ve3 I would like to see the callsign indicate the class. ------------- va3dg Go back to the system we had, i.e. an Amateur Class with 10WPM code and an Advanced Class with 15WPM code. There was nothing wrong with that system. Sure, by changing the licencing format to what we now have, we swelled the ranks of "so-called" Amateurs, but a large percentage have stopped at the Basic level and have become glorified GRS operators. Who knows how many Basic holders abuse their priviledges by operating on the HF bands? Obviously, going back to "the way we were" won't happen, but we could/should have a method by which an Amateur's qualification is reflected by the call sign. In other words, a unique call for Basic;Basic+5;Basic+12;Basic+12+Advanced. Right now, we have no way of knowing whether an Amateur is "fully" licenced, or just a Basic, we must depend upon a individual's integrity. Of course, I wouldn't want to give up my call of VA3DG, which at present indicates that I have been licenced at least 10 yrs. and I have the full qualification ticket. Thanks for letting me spout off!! de Darrell VA3DG ------------- VE3KWW None! ------------- VE3RNY 1. One time fee per individual for new license/certificate issue. If individual applies for a new call the fee should apply again. 2. The suffix of your call should reflect your region unless you are portable/mobile and have not changed your mailing address. ------------- ve7tcc There should be far more practical operating procedures taught at all levels of the certification process and examination of such made part of the requirements. ------------- va3msh Get rid of morse code. Have a more thechical exam. ------------- VE3YE - More monitoring, inspection and enforcement or regulations and standards. More consistency in administration of policies and regulations among the many IC Regions, Districts and Branches. ------------- ve7hlm Eliminate morse code requirement for hf bands. It has never been effective in keeping riff-raff off the air. While it should be encouraged due to its simplicity in equiptment requirements and ability to readable under bad conditions it can be a deterent to progress and keeps many good technically competent away/ ------------- ve3 Same as USA, renew every five years. ------------- VA3RFZ See my previous notes. ------------- VE9IM RAC should operate licencing and call sign issuing. A reasonable fee, agreed to by the members, should be applied. To obtain an amateur licence should require memebership in RAC.This is done in many otger jurisdictions. ------------- VE3NDX The current club-appointed examiner system is open to corruption and should be replaced by a certified volunteer examiner system like in the US where 3 examiners must be present and the format more tightly regulated. In our area there is an examiner 'selling' licences and upgrades. I want IC to retain the administration of amateur radio certification and licencing, not a private company, including RAC. RAC's role should be as an advisory body. Industry Canada currently has no interest in policing amateur radio unless there is interference to outside services. They no longer investigate RFI complaints. I would be happy to pay somewhat higher fees in return for greater interest and involvement by IC. I might add that this is not unique to amateur radio. Look at the mess VHF marine radio is today with 60% of stations unlicenced. Is this where amateur radio is heading? 73 ------------- ve7 seperate callsigns for code and no code.no more non government tests.More policeing of the bands.I would like some way to license an antenna structure to stop neibours from sueing etc. ------------- ve3sre As I said before...leave it alone...if it ain't broke don't fix it. If there is some thought to changing it then complete the process that was underway with RAC ------------- VE6TUR I feel that an RAC should be allowed to handle all aspects of amateur radio, including the issuing of callsigns and licences. ------------- ve9cb I would like to have IC allow for all Canadian Amateur call signs to be completely portable: that is, allow people to take their call signs with them if they move from province to province, at their choice. ------------- ve5sc I would like to see IC and RAC come to some kind of agreement where RAC would take over examinations and issuing callsigns, but IC retains the over-all control. Licence fees could be turned over to RAC to cover this cost as IC would no longer have the administration costs. ------------- va3pam Eliminate the code. We are losing to many young people to the internet. Morse code does not make a good operatoe! ------------- VA3CW IC should play a more pro-active role in the examination process. Current exams are outdated and inappropriate. Communications with delegated examiners is poor to non-existant. I would not under any circumstances want to see any of IC's current responsibilities transferred to RAC as it exists today. ------------- ve5 no code for all bands, but a far more technical and operating procedure knowledge ------------- VE7AGJ I am not infavour of deregulation what so ever. So therefore other than pay your own way. By doing so you have a voice. Hey if anyone doesn't think money talks, try going to an auction. Think of our amateur radio frequencies the same way. There are those who would love what we have. ------------- ve3by Leave the Morse Code in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please.. ------------- VE3CHW continued in it's present form ------------- VA3JK First of all,the exams are way too easy,sorry.Even if CW requirement is waived,make then exams as hard as the US equivalents.Sorry,Canadian professional standards for doctors,lawyers,engineers are stiff,the amateur exams sure aren't. Besides,Canadians are NOT at the forefront of the RF and digital technology revolution.Sad to say,most of my good information comes from my colleagues in Europe. Nothing is done to encourage amateur radio to become innovative,like it was before. I hate to say,but there is NOTHING in RAC of technical merit,that is state of the art digital technology,or microwave. So many Basic operators,how many are on QRGs beyound 440 MHz!? Further,who is going to give out callsigns,RAC to give their friends,the best call signs? Sorry,even now,BC hams get preferential treatmenet to use 2x1 callsigns,that we in ONtario never can get. Don't tell me,they have special events for use in EVERY major contest,i.e VA7A!? Why not in Ontario,or anyother province. Issue then,and charge people who help to represent Canada in contests,like the US Vanity Callsign program. Why not,we have so many prefixes,use them or lose them,I say! ------------- VE6KJ None.... the licencing and administration has worked fine for me for over 25 years! ------------- VE9REB I THINK IT SHOULD STAY THE WAY IT IS, EVEN THOUGH I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE REQUIREMENT OF CW. I DON'T THINK IT ELIMINATE THE BAD OPERATORS. CLUB SHOULD TEACH PROPER PROCEDURE DROP THE CB TERMS. ------------- VE9FT That there be a graduated code requirement for all classes of certificate. That the current, no code lisencees, be required to upgrade to a code lisence within 2 years. ------------- VE 3 MNO More monitoring of the allocated bands and a better restriction on power allocation to Amateurs with lower Certification than Advanced Amateurs. ------------- ve3mxg I feel that the current methods of administration of amateur radio certification and licensing in Canada are more than adequate, and I STRONGLY oppose any move towards deregulation (to the point where I would be more than willing to attend rallies and marches on Parliament Hill to have our voice heard!)!!!!! ------------- VE3NKO I WOULD LIKE TO SEE A 10 YEAR LICENCE FOR HAMS IN CANADA. ------------- ve6nrj There shouldn't be any changes. We now have 4 levels of license which is good. The way it is now requires that people must work to achieve a specific goal. If you must work for something I feel you will appreciate, and respect that goal when achieve it. ------------- VE3IOS A more updated test that would put more into learning correct operating procedures. ------------- VE3SQG I would like to see Morse (CW) reduced to the same status as other operating modes in the amateur service. As a counter balance, the certication and testing should be tightened up somewhat and include instruction and examination of good operator practices and more advanced RF technologies. ------------- ve7acf For the first question I was not able to check two units. I am a 12 WPM and Advanced Amateur Radio Operator. Not just one of the two. ------------- ve2cjw Give all hf privileges to hams with the 5 wpm cw exam passed. If necessary, require the advanced theory exam instead of the 12 wpm cw exam for all hf access. ------------- VE3XTH Drop the code requirement for HF, or the very least, on 10m and the WARC bands which are underutilized. Maybe add some repeater, linking, tone squelch and packet requirements to bring amateurs up to speed to 80's technologies. A beginners course in modern radios and their options may be useful as well. ------------- ve9mt Probably something like the US FCC, charging an exam and licensing fee once but no annual fee. The exam should stay between 5-10$ range and the one time licensing fee should under 50$ mark. ------------- VE3THR I'm glad you asked this question. I am in favour of going back to the way the licensing structure was prior to the grandfathering in 1990. Yes I was licensed before the grandfather date BUT today I have no way of knowing if the Amateur Operator I am talking to on say 20Metres is a holder of a valid classification ticket. Perhaps a method similar to the USA had whereas a Basic(B), B+5, B+12, Advanced(A), A+5 and A+12 would somehow be designated in thier callsign. This way I could know if that particular individual should be operating on the band in question. The Callsign Database published by IC should contain the license classification. This way there would only be a very short period of time that the operator could be "questioned" while operating on a particular band. Thank you de Tom Muzzin VE3THR ------------- VE7LEL Minor point here, I like to see actual Certificates from the Govt. showing Class and/or restrictions..think it's a big help for those of us who still drag our egos around..also it may motivate youngsters interested in Ham Radio.. ------------- ve3rut Get rid of morse code and increase our ranks. ------------- ve3dcc the regulations regarding pirate use of call signs and equipment must be enforced by the department... ------------- ve3iaa I would like to see a "professional' looking certificate with class of license on the front. Something that looks better than a carbon copy .. Why not lower the cost of the lic and give the radio amateur more support for the monies spent. Only my 2 cents worth. 73 cul bob PS: I also think that if they run a survey of this nature again, that IC canada spend some of the lic monie to poll all amateurs, not just "a select few'. ------------- VE3DWH In favor of persuing the idea of RAC taking over the administration of Certificates & licenses.A combination fee should be established combining licensing fees and RAC membership dues to increase membership in a Canadian organization more accurately reflecting the opinions of all Canadian Amateurs.Hopefully this fee could be less than the present charges. ------------- VE9SK I would like to see RAC be involved with the administration of Amateur Radio certification and licensing in Canada. With the RAC involved more with licensing I believe there would be a better input and a more HONEST approach to all aspects of the amateur radio licensing etc. ------------- VE2XGP I would like to see a positive attitude from the government vis-a-vis amateur radio. Lately, everything from the government has negative implications on our hobby. ------------- va3cki Industry canada should at least make an effort to track down and discipline QRM'ers ------------- ve3ovo they need to enforce the rules that are in place. ------------- ve4bjz I'd be prepared to see the administration of Amateur Radio services, within IC, contracted out or opened to ASD. This would present an opportunity for RAC or a similar corporation to administer the Service with closer interests of Amateurs in mind. ------------- va3rr I believe Canadian amateur technical knowledge requirements are insufficient relative to the stated objective(s) of amateur radio as defined by the ITU. My suggestion would be to make the advanced amateur certificate syllabus more technically oriented and give the holders of the advanced certifcate considerably greater privileges than the basic certificate holders. At the same time, the requirement morse proficiency should be lowered to 5 wpm for both basic and advanced for HF access, with enhanced HF privileges being granted as an incentive to increased technical knowledge. ------------- ve3wmf Will send you a series of correspondence I've had with James Dean, RAC VP Gov't Relations. It is tough and to the point. It deals with the CW issue,RAC's vision of the future of RAC and of the hobby and a few suggestions. ------------- ve3tsc I had anwered this in #1 but here goes again: keep the costs, choice and use of callsigns and kicnese testing. BUT get rid of the code restrictions or lower to 5 wpm for all HF bands. Around the world the number of amateurs are decreasing and if this continues, the choice of equipment will be less and more expensive. To keep the hobby alive we musr have a higher input of people. Make the exams more technical along with better procedure coverage. ------------- VE1AJF PLEASE PLEASE, for the sake of the hobby as a training ground / test bed for RF experimenting....INCREASE the TECHNICAL / OPERATIONAL / REGULATORY requirements for the entry level certificate and SCRAP or THINK about the current disincentive certificate structure which is DUE STRICTLY TO THE ABOVE! People generally will not try to jump way up...and will always stay down if the bar is always low. Give back the Amateur Experimental Radio SERVICE!!! ------------- ve3tsa The basic level should be comprised of 2 tests. One for theory and another for regulations. CW proficiency at the current levels but allow basic only licencees access to a small portion of 160 and 80 metre bands for phone operation. This would mean though, that the qualification level would need to be published along with the current callsign databases available. 73 From Tom in OwenSound,On ------------- VE3GWM I would not see any changes from the present. I would even be prepared to pay a slight increase in fee. ------------- VE3XPW The elimination of CW requirements ------------- ve3ile If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ------------- VE3NEC There is a very large difference between certification and licensing. The former is as a result of building a skill or obtaining and applying knowledge. The latter is the fee paid to the Government to apply those skills. I would like to see the continuation of the D.E. program, and if possible, the gradual phasing of licensing, fee collection and call sign allocation transferred to RAC. vy 73 de John VE3NEC ------------- VE6PW Would like to see a five (5) year licence. ------------- ve1afn More enforcement of illegal, unlicensed and out of band operations in this country. It seems like every band has fishermen, CB operators or just about anyone who has the money to purchase an HF or 2-m rig operating in amateur frequency allocations. It's very discouraging to hear these people operating freely and without penalty in our bands while we have to pay a fee. RF operation in Canada is a joke. What's next? Can't wait until the guy down the block discovers that he can open up an HF rig and talk to the trans-altantic pilots in mid-ocean. It's just a matter of time. Scott VE1AFN ------------- ve3stt I am in favour of a fee being charged, but that fee being used to better protect the amateur bands in this country and especially to better police the compliance of both amateur and non-amateur equipment with the highest possible EMI and RFI resistance. And to be used to support a mechanism for settling disputes between tower owners (or prospective owners) and their neighbourhoods, if in fact a problem exists. To open the bands up without any fees would be interesting to say the least. Good poll, but might be a little clearer in the first couple of questions? ------------- ve7qc I would like to see clubs only sponsoring applicants where that is feasible (ie geography or other reasons considered) and clubs being associated with a national organization (RAC) to qualify in this role. Why not the requirement to have new applicants as club or RAC members for a probationary period (say one year)? ------------- ve3rut No code for HF privilages. More technical exam. ------------- VE3RSJ I think the administration of radio certification should be more closely controlled. Licence exams should have to be sumitted to IC for verification, and delegated examiners should be more closely watched. (I have seen too many amateurs pass the exam today and not be able to read Morse code at 5wpm tomorrow.) ------------- VE6CID More involvement of Industry Canada ------------- VE3OGE Continue certification tests and licensing, but a one-time fee is sufficient. Continue certification tests by qualified local club members. Enforce adherance to the regulations. ------------- VE1CB I would like to see Industry Canada return to the table with RAC and continue the transfer of administration to RAC. It could be tried for say 5 years? While IC could concentrate on policing the bands. After 5 years a review would be in order. ------------- ve7fru To be controled by the amateur community by RAC ------------- ve3csk I think moving to having RAC administer the license process would give hams a bit more control over the hobby and at the same time save IC money. That is, IF the volunteers who administer the tests are screened carefully! ------------- VE7CTW As all of my comments above illustrate, I would like to see the licensing be administered in such a way as to add incentive for operators to attain the highest levels of proficiency, and to maintain that throughout their operating careers. I am also STRONGLY AGAINST eliminating the Morse Code requirement, and would rather that the administration and licensing be changed, as in the American system, to make the advanced licensee have to pass a 20 WPM code level. This is in accord with my other views on incentive licensing. ------------- ve3tok Radio Amateurs of Canada can do the basic paperwork for Industry Canada what the intention was.. and the Government the law enforcement! I'm very disappointed that Industry Canada had a change of mind!! RAC represents us! I hope that Industry Canada raises also the level of the Amateur Exams as it's level is too low also the quality of some the questions can be improved! ------------- ve3bw I do not believe in Privatization of licensing,it is to easy to corrupt. ------------- VE7OM I would like to go back to the government officials presiding over the testing of individuals for this service, also determining what, if any, exemption may be given if needed. Too much left up to the Amateurs themselves, and questions come up as to the ligitimacy of the testing. I did not see any problems with the' make an appointment with the RI and come in and sit the exam' style of testing. ------------- ve7yog get rid of cw requirements ------------- VE3FFK I would like the class of licence to be published as well as the other (name/address/callsigns) information. I would like the certification as well as the callsign information to be available to the public. Stated another way.. If you look up VA3XYZ, you should find out that it belongs to J. Doe, on Anywhere St. If you then look up J. Doe, on Anywhere St., you should be able to determine that they have B,A,5 certification and hold VA3XYZ and VE3XYZ callsign. I would like to see at least a portion of the revenue generated from amateur radio, small as it is, to be returned to the service in the form of enforcement of the regulations we are supposed to work under. If the revenue generated is less than that required to issue the pieces of paper, then that should be made known, and amateurs asked if they want the fees increased to cover the costs needed to enforce the regulations. We were self policing when we were a cohesive group, all interested in radio for its own sake, all interested in the same part of the service. As we move away from those demographics, self policing becomes more of a wish than a reality. ------------- VE9KK RAC to provide the service. otherwise no changes. ------------- ve7guv Take OUT the Code and rather concentrate on operating methods. ------------- va3cdc Hmmm.... I would like to see The code requirement dropped. Although I myself Did finnally pass my 12wpm I don't think that in todays age of technology it really servers any purpose. We are more and more running the risk of loosing our band space by discouraging new prospects to the hobby. On the other hand I do not want our bands to ever get nearly as bad as 11 meters. But there must be a comprimise! ------------- VE3 I would like to see the annual fee (if any or reduced) payable every 5 years instead of each year. The costs of operating the system would I'm sure be reduced since less paper work and mailing would be required. ------------- VE7BP More involvement by national organizations in every aspect of this matter. No action should be contemplated ever without consulting the national body and where possible the organizations across the country who use and benefit from the service provided by Hams. Eg. The bigger and larger clubs and the public service departments of the same. The safety in emergencies and the good clean influence to attract youth to a worthwhile hobby. ------------- VE3BHZ If it ain't broke !!!!! I have had no problems with the system and have heard of none. It would appear IndCan just wants to get rid of some administration work. I was certainly sorry to see IC drop the RAC idea. ------------- VE1VEI Call signs should indicate license class, ie: VE1???/b for basic...or VE1???/b5 for basic + 5 wpm, etc. Band plan should have the word "voluntary" removed from it. ------------- VE9RB I feel the licensing end of things a quite well looked after as there must be a lot things that people want to see changed and I can imagine the task trying to please all. I hope when cw is taken out of the reqired list of things for a license that something is put in its place. I don't wish to make it hard for anyone to get a license but would like to see enough work there so at least they would have a little to do so that they would be a bit serious about the whole thing. CB more or less killed itself by the mess it got into and I do not wish to see our hobby go down the same chute. When there is no control things just go to pot. I do not feel the amount of work that is required and the cost to get into our hobby is asking very much. You will spend more money to go bowling a few nights. The hobby lasts a lifetime and you meet people all over the world not just in the bowling alley. 73, Bob ------------- VE3YRH I am quite happy with the present system and am not in favour of changing it at all. ------------- VA3FWN A more technical exam with questions on operating transmitters and receivers. Getting rid of the morse code requirmeny. ------------- VE7DIR My personal opinion is that they should not have changed the licensing requirements in 1990. It seems to have (generally speaking) lowered the quality of operating in some cases to the point of 2 metres being another Citizens Band. The current 5wpm cw requirement to get on 80 metre phone makes no sense. With the 5wpm, you should be able to work CW-ONLY on all of the HF bands, similar to the pre-1990 Amateur Class certificate, Then permitted to operate phone after passing 12wpm. If they only wish to operate vhf/uhf, then the Basic license would be adequate. ------------- VA3JBS None, at current it generates revenue to IC at minimal fee since most exams are administered by delegated examiners the cost of a call sign is surely more than the administration. ------------- ve1tt 1. Basic certificate and initial callsign expires after 24 months. 2. Initial callsign only renewable upon proof of upgrade. 3. 2 letter calls available only to advanced operators after 5 years experience. 4. Individuals could only hold one callsign for personal use. However, they would be entitled to hold club and/or repeater callsigns. ------------- VA3JFF I would like to see the opening of a few more callsign blocks. VE and VA are already available in Ontario and Quebec, lets open them up to all Canadian Amateurs, along with VB and VC this would create a full choice of callsigns that could be available to Candian Amateurs. ------------- ve3psd Indicating on licences the class of certification held and if possible distintice prefixes for certification class. ------------- ve7 The exams and issuance of 2-letter calls are a shambles. ------------- VE7 That these functions be taken over by RAC with close contact with I.C. ------------- VE3STI I think that the cost to amateurs of licensing should remain minimal regardless of who administers. There are advantages to having the gov't do it - it allows RAC to operate on a lower budget. Maintainig/issuing licences would be a big task - but one that probably does not add a lot of work to the Dept which does licences for all sorts of commercial stations already. ------------- VE7DHY The deletion of the 12wpm code 5wpm is suffient if a person is profient in operating proceedures ------------- [ Question 1 ] [ Question 2 ] [ Question 3 ] [ Question 4 ] [ Question 5 ]
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updated December 21, 1997
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