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[ Your Suggestions ]
The Industry Canada Poll Question 5 To what extent are you in favour of the Department charging an administrative fee to cover the costs associated with providing a choice of callsign. Comments are preceeded with the authors call or prefix. Those who did not submit their call are shown as annon. ------------- ------------- ve3doh no comments ------------- ve3eoq No special "user fees"please! Use our tax monies as they were supposed to be applied; to provide service to the taxpaying public. ------------- VE3FIS I favor a user pay system here and you would pay for any additional callsigns or to change your current callsign. ------------- VE3YR User pay is always an acceptable premise for doing business. ------------- va3gth It's a quick way of making a buck, but why not? ------------- va3am Again, see comments as applied to question 4...Any extra costs should be used to make the difference between general costs and the extra service of issuing a "special" call. ------------- ve3 Charge a one time fee ------------- VE3RNY This could be part of a one time fee when callsign is issued. ------------- ve7tcc Same comments as above regarding the costs of providing the service....keep the fee at a nominal level. ------------- VE3YE For something special, most people are willing to pay a small premium. ------------- VA3RFZ In all favour, if responsibilities allocated to RAC. Government bodies should be run by taxes, which also should protect the HAM bands, which BELONG to the Canadian people, not business. They should not be used as a tool for politics. ------------- VE9IM This is a ridulous question. ------------- VE3NDX I have no problem with a reasonable administrative fee but the money collected should be used by IC for the benefit of amateur radio. ------------- ve1jls The licence fee is sufficient to cover any costs. We do not need any extra TAX associated with the process. ------------- ve3sre I don't have a problem with this as long as the fee is not too much. ------------- VE2DC I have no problem paying for services rendered. ------------- ve9cb To date, IC has not given any indication that there are any additional costs associated with providing a choice of call sign. Any proposed fee should cover only the incremental cost (if any) of issuing a chosen call sign over an ordinal call sign. ------------- ve5sc Would prefer RAC to do this ------------- VE7AGJ Pay your way, businesses they have found that free bees are a thing of the past. I'am not for socializism. ------------- ve3by why not!! ------------- VE3CHW make it free to take roll of the dice ------------- va3 cost should be a part of licensing fee ------------- VE6KJ No problem here.... unless the fee was unrealistically high. ------------- VE9REB IS THAT ABOVE THE COST OF LICENSE? ------------- VE 3 MNO It is the least the Department should do considering all the Emergency Services and other Coimmunities Services we render as true volunteers including gears, time, and manpower. ------------- ve3mxg If the additional costs associated with allowing choice of callsign can be justified and presented to all Canadian amateurs for review and comment, then I am in favour of charging a fee for the choice. ------------- ve6nrj Any special call signs for contests, etc should have fee attached. ------------- ve3wor This would be a one time charge. ------------- VE3ZJ The fee for issuance of the call sign, including selection, should be incorpotated into the "examination" fee to qualify for the Certificate. ------------- VE3XTH This is an optional service and should be charged accordingly. ------------- VE3THR What EXTRA does it cost for a few more keystrokes? The database IS correct, isn't it? ------------- VE7LEL If a Station licence remains free, I don't mind the concept of paying for a Callsign initially, and for any changes to it... ------------- ve3dcc This should be a one time fee... not an annual fee forced by going thru a ritual of renewal.. waste of time, money and paper..!!!! ------------- va3rr I am in favour of the Department charging an adminstrative fee for providing a choice of callsign as long as the service was revenue neutral. ------------- ve3wmf It doesn't cost them, why should they charge? It's not like manufacturing a custom vehicle licence plate. It would be a revenue grab. So what's new? ------------- VE1AJF No basis for this, assuming that a station license fee is still collected, databases maintained and regulatory personnel retained. ------------- ve3ile Earn it!! Don't buy it. ------------- ve3stt With the computerization in exisitence today it seems like the callsign database could simply be installed in a computer and administer things that way! ------------- ve7qc Oops. see my comment above. And I didnt peek at this question. ------------- VE1FH It seems only reasonable. ------------- VE3RSJ Why should IC charge more. It costs no more to look up available callsigns. These people are paid an hourly wage or salary, which they receive, if they are sitting at their desk doing nothing, or if they spend some time looking for an available callsign. ------------- VE1CB We already pay for that service on an annual basis. ------------- VE7CTW See also comments in question 4, however the fee should be nominal (e.g. $10) ------------- ve3tok Rac can do this for the government so that more money of the license fee can go to law enforcement! and protect our bands! ------------- VE7OM something like user fees... ------------- VE3FFK If it costs something over the cost of issuing a randomly assigned callsign, then it is reasonable to charge for the extra cost. This cost should be charged only if the amateur actually gets their choice of callsign. There should be no charge made if the desired callsign turns out to be unavailable. In the rare event that, through an administrative error, someone is asked to relinquish a callsign issued to two amateurs, I think the department should pay them for the inconvenience, as well as any out of pocket expenses, such as printing of QSL cards, etc. ------------- VE9RB When you make a request for a certain call I presume that more work is involved than if a call was simply issued. I don't like additional costs anymore than anyone else but if you ask for something xtra I don't feel a small fee is out of line. This would make the fee something you control, if you ask for the service you pay. ------------- VE7DIR I suppose if they feel it is necessary, they will implement it. Things seem to have worked well so far though. ------------- VA3JBS Since the call sign database is already available amateurs should already know that a callsign is available, wasting someone's time todo what an amateur could have done seems reasonable unless the callsign was issued 30 days before the person requested it. On line database may not be uptodate in this case. ------------- ve1tt Initial callsigns should be included in the cost of the basic licence fee structure. Any change of assigned calls would be accompanied by an increased administration fee. ------------- VA3JFF A fee for a choice of callsigns, and no charge for a randomly chosen one. ------------- VE7 Ther should be a fee charged as there must be some kind of work done to issue calls. ------------- VE3STI I would pay a one-shot fee BUT GIVE ME A BREAK! It is not that hard for them to do it and I think it should just be free. ------------- END OF QUESTION FIVE COMMENTS
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updated December 21, 1997
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