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The Industry Canada Poll Question 2 If all radio amateur stations are exempted from the requirement to be licensed, another mechanism is needed to issue callsigns. If this happens, to what extent would you be in favour of Industry Canada issuing callsigns with the amateur radio operator certificates? Comments are preceeded with the authors call or prefix. Those who did not submit their call are shown as annon. ------------- ------------- ve3doh think we should stop this changing of call signs and be proud of our first amateur licence ------------- VE3ETK Please don't play around with the present arrangement of call signs unless it was to give all repeaters some specific designation, thus freeing up VE3 calls. ------------- ve3eoq What would you do with remote stations and repeaters?? ------------- VE3FIS I am all in favor of issuing an initial callsign with a certificate as a no-charge item. ------------- VE3YR The Licence must be retained as a bonefide radio licence ------------- va3gth I currently manage two repeaters and the licences are in my name. My own callsign is also in effect. How will they get around that one? ------------- VE3ATM This type of system seems to work quite well in the United States where licenses are issued for a 10 year period. They are given all the same privledges afforded any other radio station. When it comes time to renew their license they are given a window of time to renew at no cost. ------------- ve3 If exemption happens, what is the point of this question? ------------- va3am (Please see comments for Question one...the same continues here. ------------- VE3RNY Requesting a certificate and a license from the same form at the same time does make sense. ------------- ve7tcc Callsigns should continue to be issued with unique prefixes for each province/territory and should be replaced with a new callsign if the amateur moves between juristictions. ------------- VE3YE I don't know what this means. Would call signs then reflect the level of certification? This question is unclear, as are its implications. ------------- ve3 avoid eletism ------------- VA3RFZ Why have callsigns then? What's the use? ------------- VE7FMY The qualifcation and station should remain separate. ------------- ve1jls With so few of us belonging to RAC - and I am a member - the Department is the only logical, and impartial, body that can handle the task. Privatization to RAC should only be considered when, and if, RAC represents at least a majority of us. ------------- ve3sre Without looking at question 2 first, the meaning of question one is unclear..this is a very poorly designed survey...I might answer that I was in favour of combining licensing and certification if I knew what the plans were for certification...whoever designed this survey should a) take a course in clear language and b) know something about the amateur radio community. ------------- VE5GWG A mechanism for extra signs ( as in club repeaters ) and resigning unwanted signs seems like a needed option. ------------- VE7AGJ No pay, no say in what happens to the spectrum. ------------- ve3by If we do go this route and not pay fees this would be the best way. ------------- VE3CHW there are benifits to having a licenced station; ie. all the regulations are in regard to the STATION..antennas, powers, safety factors etc. ------------- VE6KJ No.... if they do this, how will they deal with individuals that have/require more than 1 licence in their name (ie repeater trustees). I believe a separate piece of paper is req'd for each station. Even when I was a graduate student, able to afford very little and with little time for Amateur radio, I willingly found the money to maintain two callsigns ... pay for it, or lose it! ------------- VE9FT Am I anti progressive?? Firmly believe, that like anything else, priveledges come with experience and ability. ------------- VE3MNO no licensing will undoubtedly result in a true nightmare on the airwaves. The 11 meter band is fine were it is at. Since the last changes to licensing and regulations the airwaves quality of communications and gentlemen agreement when the wayside to elsewhere. Lets keep a sound control on the Hobby. ------------- ve3mxg Since I do not accept the reduction of the requirements for licensing amateur radio stations, I cannot properly answer the above question. Therefore, I am against this suggestion! ------------- ve3wor How will they handle any available special call signs ie Initials, nicknames, etc? ------------- VE3ZJ Presumably this would mean the initial call sign would be held "for life". This begs the questions of movement of residence between provinces. ------------- VE3THR The "Amateur Station License" (address) should be issued a Callsign - NOT the individual operating the station. What in the case of a repeater? Who holds the license if the Station no longer is the Licensee? ------------- VE7LEL This might mean the end of Regional Call Signs. I like regional call signs, just makes it more exciting and organized. However, to retain them requires paper work...perhaps the Radio Amateur Community could fund its own DataBase with a fee for changes to our Callsigns, Class of Certificate or Addresses if the Govt. wants a One Time Only Callsign. ------------- ve3dcc Inactive Hams could "tie up" valuable call signs that now cannot be issued to those who want them... will we have to open up more prefixes????? Call issuance should be a one time event with a small, admin charge ------------- ve3iaa not enough information as to what it will entail if implemented... ------------- VE3GLA need a process for changing callsigns later... (3 letter suffix to 2 letter suffix, etc) ------------- ve4bjz Again, would need further details before committing further to this proposal. It has administrative efficiencies, ie, call sign for the life of the amateur certificate. I've always liked the idea of fixed call signs for a geographic region, but that concept has already vanished, so call signs 'for life' and location (no matter how mobile) can be considered here now. ------------- ve3wmf We need to update the licence classes to eliminate CW and bring us into the 1990's. CW is destroying our credibity. ------------- ve3vig Requires a competent body. ------------- VE3GWM I believe what we are doing now is quite satisfactory ------------- ve3stt Odd question, it seems to presume that question #1 is already a foregone conclusion, or am I just missing something? ------------- ve7qc Assuming the licencing requirements do not change this move would not be objectionable. Also the mechanism for club and repeater stations must be covered. ------------- VE1FH Given this is a hypothetical question, the response is moot. However, the callsign to certificate concept could be workable ... there would have to be due controls on call sign areas and such. ------------- VE1CB There is a big difference between a certificate of qualification and an authorization to operate. A certificate is for life and a license is for one year and can be revoked for violations. ------------- VE7CTW This would save a lot of expense to the governmnet and should provide the same level of tracking/tracability. I would also like to see a requirement that the license/certificate be renewed with either a re-test or demonstration (through delivery of a detailed station activity log) of continued performance at the level of the license. That is to say that if the operator has an Advanced/12 wpm license then they should be able to demonstrate that continuing capability, or be moved into one that they can demonstrate competence in. ------------- ve3tok Radio of Canada can do the paperwork and I think they can issue also that nice operator certificate what we had 10 years ago instead that disappointing piece of paper what new hams get! ------------- VE7OM I like to see a station licence separate from the certificate of proficiency. ------------- VE3FFK Consider the case with your drivers licence and the plate that goes on your vehicle. These are not combined because: A, the driver may have several vehicles, each usedf or a different purpose (winter car/ camper/ convertible=contest call/every day call/ repeater or remote base call) B, you would never know when a vehicle is taken off the road and scrapped. Similarly, you would never be able to determine when someone has died, and re-issue those callsigns. Further, a callsign means a lot more to those who have them than a mere collection of numbers and letters as on a licence plate. ------------- ve3fta How will Repeaters get a call sign if the individual licence is granted as opposed to a station? ------------- VE9RB One way I think that would work and save a lot of wasted paper work is to have a station lisence that is a one shot deal. You pay a one time fee. Again I feel the call should be changed if you move to another call sign area. ------------- VE3INB Callsign would follow the certificate holder. A VE3 could end up in VE7 land. The USA is a good example of this bad idea. ------------- VE3INB Callsign would follow the certificate holder. A VE3 could end up in VE7 land. The USA is a good example of this bad idea. ------------- ve7 not appicable ------------- VE3STI With no fee or renewal, a lot of callsigns would be issued and fall into disuse - but be unable to be re-issued. ------------- END OF QUESTION TWO COMMENTS
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updated December 21, 1997
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