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[ Your Suggestions ]
The Industry Canada Poll Question 4 Currently, radio amateurs are able to choose a callsigns. Are you in favour of the Department continuing to offer a choice of callsign? Comments are preceeded with the authors call or prefix. Those who did not submit their call are shown as annon. ------------- ------------- ve3doh choose then it sticks for life, unless you move out of the province, then a reissue will be from the new province. ------------- VE3YR Why not? If automated (eg on-line) and no extra work, let them choose from whatever is available; first come first serve. ------------- va3gth I was one of the fortunate who got my initials when I got my first pick. Why not, if they are available, it is a quick tap on the keyboard to spit out the non-issued calls. ------------- VE1MT Although it is too late now, there should be requirements to be met before issuing "Two letter Call signs", instead of just passing them out to anyone! ------------- va3am Perhaps a resonable fee could be charged here, again, to cover the cost of special callsigns, above that of the "general" issue. ------------- VE7ZX A limited choice of callsigns would be satisfactory however this leaves itself open to favouritism ... depending of course on who is responsible for assignment of these calls. I must admit that a fairer method would be to issue callsigns by computer, sequentially. There should be NO CALLSIGNS ISSUED TO CLUB STATIONS, individuals could use the callsign assigned for personal use. Callsigns in the "R" block should be issued for repeaters only. This would require an exception to the rules since no certificate is issued to cover these stations. Two letter callsigns should either be done away with totally or ONLY be issued to Amateurs who had been continually licenced for a period of 35 years. My preference would be to do away with these callsigns since they are only a status symbol in the fraternity and frequently result in controvercy. ------------- VE3YE A choice of call signs, where possible, is a perfectly acceptable option, within the limits of a separate call sign allocation policy (i.e., the recommendations of the Call Sign Working Group). ------------- VA3RFZ No change. Use technology to automate QSL system and special callsigns for special events and dates. ------------- ve1jls Same comment as to question 3. ------------- ve3sre Why change? ------------- ve9cb I am also in favour of allowing anyone who holds a call sign to keep that call sign no matter where they live in Canada. ------------- ve5sc Would prefer RAC to do this ------------- VE7AGJ This has always been the case, although I am very disappointed the VE7Rxx callsigns were released to other than repeater use. ------------- ve3by This is a great option, but I would frown on hams requesting the "VA3" prefex to match their "VE3"prefex and suffix. ------------- VE3CHW perhaps the priviledge of picking a call sign should be tied to some level of achievement ------------- ve3mxg I feel that this choice allows one to express oneself and adds a personal dimension to the hobby. ------------- VE3SQG A callsign is frequently as personal as your name and should reflect that to those that choose. ------------- VE3ZJ Being able to select a vacant call sign at the time of qualifying for a Certificate would be most desirable. ------------- VE3THR You currently have three(3) callsign choices, so what's wrong with that? Leave it alone. ------------- ve3wmf The system works well without all the sillyness of the ARRL/FCC system. ------------- VE1BVD But they should reflect the call area of the amateur's residence...a person living in NS should not be allowed to have a VE6 call on a *permanent* basis ------------- ve3stt Provided we maintain the designations within provincial barriers (ie: a VE5 is from SK, and a VE8 is NWT) I'm all in favour of picking from within the available callsigns for that call area. I am not in favour of opening it up like the US has done to any callsign being granted anywhere! And further, a more universal decision on who, when and how you go from a 2x3 to 2x2 (or even a 2x1 if you like) callsign might be appropriate. ------------- ve7qc I dont see a problem here. Even a nominal "vanity" fee should not be objectionable. ------------- VE1FH Any new mechanism should respect the traditions of amateur radio and "preferred" call signs, such as two letter calls. ------------- ve7fru Not all call signs are choosen by the amateur and there many times that one must take the call that is available ------------- VE7CTW It would be better if the department authorized "chosen" or "vanity" callsigns ONLY to those with the highest grade of license as an incentive to obtain and maintain the highest levels of operator proficiency. ------------- VE7OM Why Not, there should be a data base of available suffixes, why not issue them if available. ------------- VE3FFK It shouldn't cost anything to allow a selection, and it makes amateurs happy to have a choice of callsign. I can think of no reason NOT to continue the practice. I just wish a choice was available back when I got my licence. ------------- VE9RB I see no reason a operator should not have a desired call if it is available. ------------- VE7DIR To be fair to BC hams, the VA7 block should be opened, because the VA2 block was opened in Quebec. ------------- VA3JBS It's not that much of an administrative exercise since most Amateurs probably already know if their callsign is available or not. ------------- ve1tt Initial callsigns should be issued from a block which would identify the user as an entry level oeprator. Upon achieving subsequent levels of knowledge call signs could be changed. ------------- VE3INB If the preferred callsign is available then there is no reason to not issue it to an amateur. The callsign must be available in the call zone. ------------- VE7 Providing that the rules re special callsigns and the issue of two letter callsigns are adhered to across Canada. It is a joke in B.C. the way two letter calls and special calls are issued. It depends on who you know at I.C. ------------- VE3STI Yes! ------------- END OF QUESTION FOUR COMMENTS
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