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[ Your Suggestions ]
The Industry Canada Poll Question 3 To what extent would you be in favour of the Department continuing its current way to license radio amateur stations and charging annual licence fees rather than introducing this proposed exemption to radio amateur station licences. Comments are preceeded with the authors call or prefix. Those who did not submit their call are shown as annon. ------------- ------------- ve3doh as per question 2 ------------- VE3FIS I don't see why an annual fee is required, amateurs certainly don't get much from IC to justify the $24.00 ------------- VE3YR Amateur organizations are partisan animals and you never know who is at the controls. Canadians have never had a strong unified organization of their own for Amateur radio. All they can do is fight among themselves. We need the government to continue to enforce ITU policies with an even hand. ------------- va3gth The annual fee is not a problem. I would glady take over the licencing issuance for about ten bucks a pop if IC wants to give it up. Why not change the annual rush from end March to have the licences renewed on the birthday, just like drivers' licences? ------------- VE3PU As in One above ------------- va3am Any fees charged by IC should be used soley to offset the cost of that service. ------------- VA3LGD Delegate to RAC! ------------- VE3RNY Would rather see a one time fee when license is issued or callsign reissued. ------------- ve7tcc There probably should be an initial fee for issuing the first station licence and callsign but yearly fees should be eliminated. The station licence should be issued with no expiry date and therefore no need for I.C. to incur any yearly costs to send out renewal notices and issue new licences. If the amateur should move to another province, a new initial fee should be charged to issue the new licence and callsign. This fee should not be onerous and certainly not exceed the cost of providing the service. ------------- VE3YE Why change the status quo when the alternative has not been fully explained? ------------- ve3 pay every five years ------------- VA3RFZ Recognize RAC for the fees involved. Put more policing onto RAC, as a governing central Ham-operated body. ------------- ve1jls If it aint broke, don't fix it. ------------- ve3sre Leave the system alone OR administer it in conjunction with RAC. ------------- VE5GWG A longer term licence would seem to have much the same effect , say a five or ten year licence instead of annual. ------------- VE2DC I wouldn't mind an exemption or reduction for students and seniors. ------------- VE7AGJ I pay far more for cablevision which gives me a lot less entertainment than amateur radio. ------------- ve3by Let the professionals do their job and i'll do mine. ------------- VE6KJ If its not broke.... don't fix it! Its worked well for me for 26 years! ------------- VE9FT Am cognizant of the reasons for the (no code) lisencing but not in agreement with the rationale. Current, seperate lisencing should be kept and, if anything, more categories of proficiency are needed, ie. Novice (6wmp code) Intermediate (10wpm code) Advanced (15wpm code). All classes would retain current knowledge requirements. ------------- ve3mxg In light of the recent announcement that Industry Canada is no longer going to allow The Radio Amateurs of Canada take over certain aspects of it's role with respect to amateur radio, I absolutely want Industry Canada to continue with it's current operating practice of issuing licenses and charging fees. ------------- VE3XTH See comment to 1. ------------- VE3THR Leave well enough alone! We don't need more GRS (CB) type bands! Learn from history ------------- VE7LEL This is the reverse of question 1 .... What's the point? ------------- va3cki If we don't pay for the license and the use of the airwaves, what will stop the gov't from taking away the current assigned frequencies. ------------- ve4bjz I'd go for the efficient solution, recognizing that revenue loss may force hidden or unexpected revisions to the rules that could force up fees down the road. ------------- ve3wmf RAC has not demonstrated its capability to do the job. ------------- ve3vig Save our spectrum ------------- ve3stt The better question would seem to be, "where does my licence fee money go, and for what is it used?" If the answer is just to keep paperwork flowing through a government office, then gas the fee! If it is in fact being used to maintain order to the amateur radio ranks, and actually used to maintain a high standard within the hobby then keep it? ------------- ve7qc I have no objection to the current licencing procedures. "If it aint broke dont fix it" Is it a money losing proposition for IC? ------------- VA3FZA Radio Amateurs of Canada is in a great position to take over these duties from IC. Why did IC decide to forego RAC's offer? ------------- ve7fru Providing the fees are removed ------------- VE7CTW See comments to question 1 ------------- ve3tok again without license fee no enforcement! ... Believe me! ------------- VE7OM Another no brainer... ------------- VE3FFK I don't think it has to be the DEPARTMENT that licenses amateur radio stations and collects fees for doing so, but someone has to do it. ------------- VE9RB My comment again is to make the fee a onetime thing. Instead of our fee being used up in unnecessary paper work each year a one time fee might leave a bit of the fee to be used to our benifit. ------------- VE7DIR The current system works. Keep it. ------------- VE3INB See question 1. ------------- VE3INB See question 1. ------------- ve7 All IC rules must be the same in all Provinces, and published. ------------- VE3STI Just keep the fee at a modest/nominal sum. The Department seems to do little in return for the fee! ------------- END OF QUESTION THREE COMMENTS
[ Your Suggestions ]
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updated December 21, 1997
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